For All You're Worth

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Evangeline's P.O.V.

What do you want from me? 


The words my brother and I spoke to one another repeat in my mind as if it's taunting me. Kylo Ren wants to break me; take everything I love from me. I can sense he's not done with me; he has more plans for me in the worst ways.

I'm sitting on my bed, facing the light saber on my desk in my bunker. They have released Poe from the medical sector, and he's talking to my mother about what our next move should be. I know we can't go back to Jakku to search for BB-8; Kylo Ren is waiting for me to go back there.

The time to be on Jakku has come and gone; we missed our shot. I don't know if the stormtrooper, Finn, is still alive, but I might never find out now. Watching the light saber on my desk, I hear the words Poe said last night:.

The resistance will still have at least one Jedi.

I haven't used my saber in over six years; I'm no match for Kylo Ren now. At one point in time I was, which is why I was given the rank of Jedi when Ben wasn't. Maybe that's one reason he turned to the dark side; so he could grow in ways I wouldn't.

The truth of the matter is I won't stand the chance if Kylo Ren finds me again. I was at his mercy the moment he saw me in Jakku; and it will only get worse with time. If I face him again, I must be prepared, but that would mean picking up my light saber again.

I rub my face tiredly; if it was anyone else, I would easily pick up my light saber again. I would have never let it go to begin with, but this isn't anyone. Though, whether I want to or not; I will have to use my saber against my brother. 

Standing up, I shuffle towards my desk, watching my weapon like it will jump out at me. Gulping, I know what I must do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. There's only one way for me to find out; I have to at least try.

Picking up my old light saber, I lift in my hand and try to rise above the pain I feel from holding it. My brother's face flashes in my mind before turning into the mask of Kylo Ren. When he saw me without my saber, I could sense disappointment but also a sense of amusement.

It disappointed him I lost the way of the Jedi, but amused that I let it happen. My brother wants me to put up a fight only so he can strike me down in all his anger and prove he's more powerful than me. If fighting me is what my brother wants, then so be it.

I will do what I must.

Poe's P.O.V.

"What's going on?"

I speak up to Sereina in trouble as I notice people all over going to a spot outside the hangar. There's a group of people dead silent, watching something off to the forest beside the docking bay. I can't even see what they're looking at from the amount of people piled together.

"It's Evangeline!" 

Sereina answers to me before striding to the group. Concern floods into me and I walk faster to where everyone's standing. When reaching the crowd, I find them all trying to stay as still as possible while watching the scene in front of them in awe.

Pushing people out of my way, I search for Evangeline and what has happened. Getting in front of everyone, I catch Leia also standing in the crowd, observing. Turning toward where the General's gaze is going, I find what everyone is looking at.

My heart skips a beat and my mouth hangs open slightly. Eva's in clothing I've never seen on her before; she's wearing a dark brown dress that ends at her knees. The cloth of her dress is thick; it's tight around her chest but loose below her waist.

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