Chapter 29

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It had been years since he had left,and Historia still,made the daily venture to her front poarch, took a seat on her rocking chair, and looked at the vast fields,and sea,the sea which had taken him from her,although she hadn't been there that day, Eren had described everything to her, several times, at her request, how he was captured,how he froze up,how he left,he left her.

Historia had grown into the fine queen she was because of him,because he had left,and as she sat on her old rustic rocking chair,she couldn't help but smile,he had been her only one, she then gave herself a little laugh, the world,or how they saw it,was so incomplete,at the time,it was simple and she could notice the shift in her prespective, she took in more of the world, she could read into situations more thoroughly, she didn't see the world in the one dimension she used to, and she was sure, that IF he ever came back, she wouldn't fall for him,she had convinced herself,that the reason that she was ogling the onset of the vast brine expanse of the sea, wasn't so she could run into his arms, it was so she could attest to him that she didn't love him.

He had grown,sure he still was the manipulative piece of shit he used to be,but now he had become clear,in his goal,he remembered,and even laughed at himself, he used to change goals every year,one year, he hated Eldians,saw them as less than himself, the next year he would covet them, prepare himself to die for them, he had become hale,his body was defined more than ever,a perfect vessel for what dormant power lay inside of him,and as he supported himself on the banister of the mansion's balcony with his left hand,his right defending a half full glass of red wine,he looked over to the statue of Helios,the fabrication that had upheld Marley's entire existence,a smirk tugged at his lips,although it was a gloomy one,but as quick as it appeared,it annulled itself back into his face,as he downed some more wine,this was possibly the last one in a set few days he was going to be able to see Marley.
He turned on his heel and looked back at the brightly lit room,where The Tyburs presided, Willy sat on a plush chair, Fine stumbling and demanding her father's attention, Alois giggling, he gauged himself, was he ready to kill them...

He found himself in the back of The Theatre Stage,his eyes innatentive to the show that Willy Tybur had put on for Marley to see,he was revealing to the world that the one to save the world was an Eldian,a Fritz.He wasn't giving much heed to the show though,he had seen it all, hundreds of times ,he had been there.

"Eren",He enunciated to the air,the deepness of his voice even caught him off guard,"It took you long enough",and in sequence,florid golden intense lights rippled through the air,materializing under Willy Tybur,who had just declared war on Paradis,it seems The Devil Incarnate was to make the first move.
As Willy was flung across the air,his face remained stale a bit unnatached as he cracked the bones to his knuckles,Eren,in his towering titan form dove headfirst into one of the stands,where Willy had put all The Military's High Gernerals.
Eren gave a loud howl,almost like an invitation to anew the battle they had once played out.

He walked forward,revealing himself to Eren's giant figure,with a hoist of his arm,and a bite of his wrist,came forward a blaze of lights,almost more blinding than Eren's.

"The Founder Is On The Move"

A white clad titan appeared in front of Eren,he swished his right arm to the left,the tips of his fingers curled inwards as a white blast of titan skin formed in between them,and a hammer,sixty meters tall,nestled itself softly in between the crevises of his palm.
With a swift swish across the air,he pulled his right leg forth,placing his heel against the ground as Eren stared sharply at him,he knew,that whoever made the first move,would lose.
The Founder bowed forward,Eren immediately put up both his arms and hardened them with the teel titanic skin,deep down,he knew that it wasn't enough...and in harmony with the bending of his body,his hammer fell down,amplified by the kinetic force it broke through Eren's protection,then his arms,then his head,and it revealed him,standing there,the bunldes of flesh tugging violently at his eyes as he looked towards The Founder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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