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You wait peacefully for the man to come in and hand you for food. It's been a week since King Jungkook has left for war. During your time here, you try to convince the man to let you out of the room, yet he ignores you. You can't stand being in this room any longer. It has been eating you alive. There is no way out of here. Your legs are still healing and you can't even speak. The door opens to reveal the man who has been watching over you. "Here's your food" he places it down on the table. His eyes landed on the food you left this morning. "You have to eat something or else you are going to die" he says. At this point, you wanna die but you need to get your revenge on him. "Aren't you gonna come over?" He ask and you shook your head. You pull out your little notebook and start writing. It was your only way of communicating.

I cant walk. My legs are broken. His eyes widened. "Both of them?" and you nod. He grabs over the food to the bed. "Is there a reason why your food is liquid?" He ask and you open your mouth to show him. "Where's your tongue?" He was shock to see it. It was cut off by the king. He didn't like me talking back to him so he chopped it off. "D-Does that mean he also..." he looks at your legs. Yes. He broke them in order for me not to run away. This is better than what he originally wanted to do with me which was paralyzing me. "H-How long has he been doing this?" he ask. 3 months ago is when it began. I sadly gotten used to this treatment though. "I didn't think he would be this obsessed with you. I will come back once you finish your food" he says and walks out of the room.

"What took you so long, Taehyun?" The man turns around to see Hoseok, leaning against the wall. "We have to get her out of there. She dying in there. The king cut off her tongue and broke her legs" he grabs onto Hoseok's shirt. "Their relationship isn't our business. If you want to save her, prepare to be killed because I swore to His Highness that I will not allow any person near her" Hoseok warns him. "Let's go now. We have to do the other favors the king order us to do" He adds. Taehyun looks back at the door before running behind Hoseok.

King Jungkook walks out of the tent with Sir Namjoon. He sees his knights practicing for the battle. Luckily he has an idea where King Mingyu will be attacking. "How long do you think this will last?" He ask. "It seems like a few weeks" the assistant answers. Jungkook sighs and runs his fingers through his black hair. "I want this war done in two days max" he orders. "What!?! Y-Your Highness, we can not win within two days" Sir Namjoon says. "It is an order, Kim Namjoon" the king glares at him. "Y-Yes" he bows and runs off. Jungkook walks around the camp to find a peaceful place to rest. He wanted to be alone. The king finds a lovely spot underneath the tree and lays down. He looks up at the sky and smiles brightly. "I should bring her here one day. I bet she will love it here. Just the two of us" a giggle escape out of his mouth. "So the king is in love huh?" Jungkook's view was covered.

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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now