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I wake up with Joes arms around me, and I smile as I let out a contented sigh.

His chest is pressed against my back, and I can feel the calming rhythm of his breathing. The heaviness of his arms wrapped around me makes me feel safe.

I kiss his arm and smile, as I think about last night.

He lead me to the bathroom, and had the shower running before he helped me undress.

He ran his fingers across my shoulder blades as I stood there before him in my underwear. He took my face in his hands and kissed me softly before walking towards the door.

I involuntarily whimpered. Yeah, I actually whimpered.

He turned to me, and I could see he was trying to keep a straight face, but it was obvious he was smirking.

"Shower. I'll see you soon," He said, shutting the door.

After I showered and dressed in the pyjamas Joe had brought in for me, I laid down next to him on the bed and frowned at him.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"I can't believe you left me hanging like that!" I complained.

"Neither can I," Joe said quietly, shaking his head in disbelief.

I started to stroke the palm of his hand, and bit my lip before I decided to ask.

"So why did you?" I whispered.

Joes eyes looked into mine with a softness that made my body melt.

"I can't have our first time together happen while you're in such an emotional place. It wouldn't be right. It would feel like I'm taking advantage. I want you, trust me I do. But when I have you, I want a clear headed and happy you. For now, just let me take care of you," Joe explained to me, as his hand stroked my elbow.

I nodded to him.

"That makes sense. I'm still disappointed, but that makes sense," I told him.

Joe kissed my lips, lingering for a moment before getting up.

He took a shower while I considered what he said. I was still disappointed, but part of me was glad that he was so considerate. His little speech had me feeling conflicted, because I appreciated his reasoning, but it somehow left me wanting him more.

When he came back, he told me to wake him if I had anymore weird dreams or nightmares, and then he held me as I drifted off to sleep.

I pick up my phone and check the time.


I turn around to face Joe so I can wake him, but as I do he pulls me close to him and I almost consider abandoning my plan and snuggling into him instead.

I touch his face.

"Joe. Joe! Wake up! My alarm didn't go off. We were meant to be on set 2 hours ago!" I tell him.

His eyes open slowly, and he looks at me with a lazy smile.

"I could get used to waking up to that face," He says in a low and husky morning voice.

My insides tighten, and I'm once again considering abandoning all reasoning and responsibilities, so that I can spend the entire day in bed with this man.

"Come on, we've got to go," I tell him with no conviction in my voice.

This isn't worth getting fired, I tell myself. Not worth getting fired.

Method Acting || Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now