Thirty three

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"Von move I'm not in the mood." Jahlyla said pushing Vons head back.

"Why?"he asked making her shrug.

"Mane whatever."Von said sucking his teeth as he got up leaving the room.

Jahlyla sighed feeling tears brim her eyes,lately Jahlyla hasn't been feeling herself and that just made her feel worse.

Jahlyla knew she was falling back into depression as this is how it felt the first time and it nearly ended terribly.

All Jahlyla needed right now was comfort and someone to hold her.

Jahlyla snapped out her thoughts as she heard them laughing downstairs.

She got up going downstairs seeing there was a girl sitting on Vons lap.

Jahlyla sighed,she was tired of new people coming and ruining things.

"Wassup Lyly."Durk said as Jahlyla gave him a small head nod.

Durk tilted his head worried,she looked as if she hadn't slept in days in which she hadn't.

"This Kema Vons ex girlfriend,Kema this is Jahlyla."Ten introduced making Jahlyla feel her chest burn.

"Hi."Kema said as Jahlyla nodded looking at the floor feeling sick.

"Are you okay Lyla?"India asked concerned as she looked sick.

"I'm gonna go back to the room."Lyla whispered as she went back up stairs feeling her body get week.

Jahlyla didn't want them seeing her like this,she didn't know what exactly caused it cause she's only been happy.

"Lyly."Durk knocked on her door not hearing an answer he opened the door entering seeing she was just laying there staring at the ceiling.

"Lyly what's wrong?"Durk asked as he closed the door going over to her taking off his shoes and sliding in next to her.

"Come here."he said making her slowly move over to him laying her head on his chest as he put his arm around her shoulders.

"Talk to me."he said massaging her head.

"I don't even know myself Durki."she whispered feeling her eyes sting with tears.

"Tell me what you feel."he said.

"I feel everything but nothing at the same time,I'm depressed,I'm angry,I feel nauseous,I'm drained but then it's like it's not there,I don't feel it."she tried explaining as best as she could.

"Did you get a text,someone say something,do something,past memories?"Durk asked.

"I just woke up one day and I was different and this is not the first time Durki,I don't wanna go through it again,it's like living in a cycle,it always comes back no matter how hard you try,don't leave me Durki please."Jahlyla expressed as tears fell out of her eyes.

"It's okay Lyly,I'm here,always,I'll do everything I can to help you Lyly,I promise,we're gonna get through this, I promise on my life,I won't let you go through this alone Lyly."Durk said honestly kissing the back of her hand.

"I don't wanna be alone,I can't be alone,I don't trust myself alone,I'm scared I might do something Durk." She said as he felt tears brim his eyes as his heart hurt for her.

"It's okay Lyly,I'm here."he said kissing the top of her head rubbing her back.

"I'm in love with Von."Jahlyla said breaking the silence.

"He's hanging with his ex,she's sitting on his lap,he still has feelings for her, they're gonna be together again and there's nothing I can do about it."she said making Durk feel bad as he felt what she was saying was true.

"I'm sorry Ly,don't worry about him right now,focus on yourself and getting better."Durk said making her nod and let out a shaky breath.

"Aight how about we watch movies, eat snacks and just hang out,just us." He suggested making her nod as tears ran down her face.

"No don't leave."she said gripping onto him tightly.

"Okay,okay we can hang tomorrow, get some rest ly,you need it."he said rubbing her back to calm her.

"Thank you so much Durkio."she said before immediately falling asleep making him smile.

"You're welcome Lyly."he whispered as he got comfortable falling asleep too.

This was all Jahlyla ever needed.
Heyy,how are you?

Jahlyla is feeling depressed.🥺

How do you feel about Durkio?💜

Is Von going to get back with Kema?

Will Jahlyla overcome her depression before it takes over?

Will Von notice he's been giving Lyly a hard time?

That's all for now,have a good day/night,byee😚

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