bruised and confused

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January 25th, 1985

"Just tell him, B! You always told me just to go for it and I did, and now look at me! I'm going on dates with Lucas!" Max was trying to convince me to tell Eddie how I felt after I told her that I had feelings for him.

"It's not that easy, I don't want to ruin our friendship and he's all I've got. And outside of his D&D club, I'm all he's got. I can't risk messing that up." I said while getting dressed. Eddie would be here soon to give me and Max a ride to school. "You need to stop worrying about my love life and go get dressed. He'll be here soon and if you aren't ready by then, you'll be going with Billy."

"Maybe I should go with Billy, give you two some privacy to talk on your way to school." She huffed before leaving my room. We both knew that she didn't want to go with Billy. He's an ass and neither of us wants to deal with his asshole-ry this early in the morning.

"We both know you don't want to do that Maxine!" I shouted after her after she closed the door.

I had finished getting dressed and was grabbing my bag when I heard Eddie's van pull up. "Max! He's here! Let's go!" I yelled out to her as I was walking down the stairs. At the bottom, Billy was in a heated conversation with his dad. They were always fighting. Billy may have been an ass, but he was nothing compared to his dad. I'll never understand why my mother loves him so much. I had just made it to the door when I heard Max coming down the stairs.

"Headed to school mom! Love you!" Max shouted out before we walked out the door.

Outside, Eddie stood leaning against his door. Over the past few months, the more I saw him the more I realized just how effortlessly handsome he was. And today was no different. He had his signature leather jacket on over a black and white flannel. Under both, he wore a crisp white shirt. He'd switched out his usual black jeans for denim today, and the sight of Him made my knees weak. He looked up when he heard us come outside, and when his eyes met mine he smiled. For a moment, I thought his eyes wandered across my body but I doubt it. "Hey, princess."

"Hey, Munson."

This was our thing. Every time he greeted me he called me princess, and I'd reply with Munson.

"What's up, little Mayfield?" He looked towards my little sister who glared in his direction. To anyone who didn't know them, you'd think she hated him. But that wasn't the case. They just had an odd friendship based on banter.

"I'm almost as tall as her, I'm not little!" he snickered at her comment before turning to me with his playful smirk.

"The kids got a point, princess." I swatted his arm and rolled my eyes before walking around his van.

"You two gonna continue your little rivalry or are we gonna go?"

"She's no fun," Eddie said to Max with a fake pout.

"No fun at all." Max agreed while they got in the van.

For the first few minutes of the drive, we rode without talking. Just listening to the music playing and looking out the window. Max was the first to break the silence.

"Soooo, Eddie." I know that tone. I've known ax her entire life, I taught her that damn tone. She's up to something.

"Yeah?" he kept his focus on the road while answering.

"What are you and my dear sweet sister gonna be doing today?"

"Max," I turned around to look at her and she just smiled sweetly and shrugged her shoulders.

"I was just wondering because you two usually hang out after school on Fridays. No other reason," I cut my eyes at her and Eddie snickered.

"Y'know max, your sister does the same thing when she's up to something." Eddie's statement caught my attention. He was looking between to road and his rearview mirror.

wanted - Eddie MunsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz