the creel house

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May 24th and 25th, 1986

I'm positive that this cemetery was silent when Max took her first breath after she came out of the trance. That gasp of air could've been heard for miles. It was quickly followed by a breath of my own, then by each of the others just before she fell. It all went by in a matter of milliseconds, but it felt like the time between her opening her eyes and gravity - doing what it does best - was hours long.

Lucas didn't hesitate to jump to the ground just below my sister, breaking her fall as we all took hurried steps to her side. She let out a line of broken and breathy sobs as she tried to catch her breath from what she had just been through. She gripped Lucas' jacket for support as he cradled her in his arms.

"Shh, you're okay, Max. You're safe." He repeated his words of encouragement to her as her body shook with unshed sobs. She looked up and around, searching until her eyes met mine.

With an initial apologetic glance, which soon transformed into relief, she crawled away from Lucas and came straight to me. Max all but tackled me as she wrapped her shaking arms around my head and squeezed as if she needed this hug more than she needed air to breathe.

I know I needed it that much.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed into my hair. "I'm so sorry, B. I'm sorry I told you not to come to find me. Thank you, for being here." She continued.

"No, no, Max. It's ok, you have nothing to be sorry for. I understand why you did it, I'm not mad." I reassured her as I wrapped my arms around her.

I felt her pull away slightly and gave her the space she needed. Her eyes landed on Eddie who was crouched on the ground right behind me. She gave him a tearful smile before jolting her arm forward and grabbing his collar, pulling him into the embrace with us.

"Thank you for not following my instructions." She whispered to him. I felt him give a breathy laugh that sounded like I combination of pure worry and relief.

"No need to thank me, Little Red. You and I both know I couldn't have stopped her if I tried."

She rewarded him with a choked laugh that came out through a sob.

Steve was turning his head back and forth, looking around the graveyard. "Not to ruin the moment, guys, but we should probably get out of here. Considering that he's a wanted man," he spoke, gesturing towards Eddie. "And Max just floated eight feet up in the air."

"He's got a point, I need to get back to the boathouse," Eddie mentioned to me before looking between me and my sister. "You should stay with her."

"What? No, I'm fine." Max tried to argue before being cut off by everyone's glances and glares.

"Eddie's right. I'm staying with you, end of story." I demanded.

With a huff, she agreed. Or rather, gave up fighting me.

We left the cemetery, the kids and Steve piling in his BMW while I drove Eddie back to the boathouse. I promised to meet them back at the Wheeler's soon, so I told Eddie that we'd do a food run for him tomorrow.

"Please stay safe. Do not leave, under any circumstance."

"What if the cops show up? You want me to wave a white flag and surrender?" He had a playful smirk on his lips but I knew that he was scared deep down.

I sighed and glared, "If the cops show up, then you run."

"Getting tired of running, princess." His shoulders sagged.

I took a deep breath, putting my hands on either side of his face to force him to look at me. "Munson, listen to me. You are innocent, but they don't believe that. And if they catch you, I doubt they are going to believe anything you tell them." I scanned his features before continuing. "Do you remember what I told you, last year, around my birthday?"

wanted - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now