his castle

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February 23rd, 1985

By the time we reached my house, Max was already ready with both of our bags. We pulled in and seconds later, she was out the door. I stepped out to try and talk to her but she wouldn't budge. She set our stuff in Eddie's van and got in.

"So how was the date? Did he ask you the big question?" Max finally spoke up as she placed a hand on each of the front seats to poke her head in between us. Eddie chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wait... What?" I asked Max as I turned to look at her.

"Y'know the big 'girlfriend' question?" I looked to Eddie who had pursed lips. I looked back at Max and smiled. I nodded and her face broke out in a wide grin. "I didn't think he'd be able to do it. The guy was a nervous wreck. He was stuttering and going on and on about how special you are-"

"Okay! And here we are." Eddie interrupted her and I giggled. He turned around in his seat to glare at Max before getting out.

"You can tell me all about it later," I muttered to her before following Eddie.

"Sorry if the place is a mess." He said before opening the door to his trailer. "I already talked to my uncle and he said that you guys can stay as long as you'd like. I'll take the couch and you two can take my bed."

"Ew, gross. I'm not sleeping in your bed." Max's face was screwed up in disgust. "I'm taking the couch. You guys are dating so you should take the bed," She stated as if it were obvious.

I turned to glare at her to which she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled innocently.

"Uh- I mean I guess if that's um okay with you?" I looked at Eddie and he was fiddling with his rings nervously.

"That's fine," I smiled at him and he smiled back. His eyes softened and he nodded before walking toward the closet.

"I've got a few extra blankets in here. And the bathroom is right there if you need it." He pointed directly behind him with a thumb over his shoulder. "Do you need a pillow, little red?"

Max glared at him for his new nickname. "No, and don't call me that." She threw the back from her shoulder onto the couch and pulled out her pillow and some clothes. "I'm gonna change and go to bed. It's getting late."

"Alright," I nodded when I turned to her. "And if you need anything, I'm right down the hall, okay?"

"And walk in and you two- you know, doing it. I'll pass." My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide.

"Maxine!" I hissed and she gave me a look to say 'what? I'm not wrong.' "Just go change and go to bed," I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall to Eddie's room.

He's been to my house plenty of times, but this was the first time I'd been to his. His room fit him perfectly. There were posters from all his favorite bands all over the room. He had a small dresser with a mirror hanging over it. A guitar was hung on the dresser as if the mirror was an alter for it. My eyes continued to wander around until they locked onto something. They were black and silver, the chains hanging from a pin in the wall. Handcuffs. He has handcuffs, stuck on the wall, near his bed. My face warmed, I knew exactly what those were for. He walked in and my eyes snapped up from the interesting choice of decor to meet his. He looked across my face and furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly.

"You okay?"

"Mhmm," I muttered. His eyes trailed to where mine once was. Once they had locked on, they widened in realization.

"Those are um-" He pointed to the handcuffs before taking his hand to his mouth, scratching his cheek.

"Eddie, you don't need to explain to me what they're for. I already know." I giggled and shook my head at him.

wanted - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now