the party

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March 2nd, 1985

Billy was right when he said that Neil calmed down, but what Billy failed to mention is that Neil had left for Illinois and had taken my mother with him. But none of us dared to complain about them just up and leaving, we welcomed the opportunity to spend the week in a Neil-free bliss.

Billy hadn't stayed at home a single night the past week, he stayed out to go to parties or meet up with girls. Max and I had junk food-filled movie nights almost every day. Now it was Saturday and that meant that we only had two more days to spend by ourselves. Max went to El's last night, saying that she'd be back Sunday morning. Billy left a note on the fridge to let us know he'd be gone all weekend. I had the house all to myself until Sunday. Eddie had come over last night and didn't leave until this afternoon, saying that he'd be back later to pick me up for Gareth's party.

I was now in the shower, dancing and singing at the top of my lungs to the mixtape I had playing. I couldn't explain why, but I was pumped. I had a special sense of excitement running through me. Getting out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself before grabbing the boombox I had set on the counter and heading to my room to get dressed. I had laid out a button-up jean skirt, a fitted black turtle neck sweater, and a black cloth belt. I wrapped up my dripping hair and got dressed before heading back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

Still dancing and humming along to my music, I dried my hair and put half of it up with a black scrunchie. Deciding to go with simple makeup, I lined my waterlines and applied a few coats of mascara before I heard I knock at the door. It was barely audible over the music so I turned it down before running down the stairs.

"You're early," I stated, opening the door to see Eddie.

"And you're pretty," He replied as he scanned his eyes down my body. I rolled my eyes and chuckled before opening the door wider for him to step inside. "It's a bit cold out there so bring a jacket."

I nodded my head before heading back up the stairs to my room, Eddie following. I grabbed my Docs from my closet and sat down at my desk to slip them on, Eddie making himself comfortable by laying on my bed. I walked back to my closet after lacing up my boots and grabbed my leather jacket. I turned to Eddie to see his eyes closed, his hands behind his head.

"Munson! Don't fall asleep, we gotta go to Gareth's." He groaned in response, not bothering to open his eyes. "Eddie, c'mon. It's already 8," Still not opening his eyes he grabbed one of my pillows and tossed it over his face.

I got an idea and took off my jacket, tossing it to the floor with a thud. I then reached into my dresser and grabbed a shirt, tossing it onto the pillow. "I'm naked," I lied and he immediately moved the pillow and sat up. The moment he realized that wasn't naked, he glared at me.

"Lying little-"

I laughed, cutting him off "Now that you're up, let's go."

He threw the shirt back at me as I leaned down to pick my jacket up. He chuckled as I stood back up, sending him a playful glare. I shook my head before slipping my arms through the sleeves and walking out of my room. Eddie was right, the second I stepped outside the house the cold air hit me like a truck. I quickly ran to his van to escape the cold. We rode in silence mostly, except for Eddie's music playing.

Gareth's house wasn't far from mine so the drive was short. We got out of the van and Eddie reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Oh, yeah! I should warn you. Gareth's girlfriend is here and she's a good person but she can kind of be a lot." Eddie chuckled as we walked up to his friend's door. The music from inside is loud enough to hear. He pulled his hand away from mine to knock on the door before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. Not long after, the door was jerked open and we were greeted by a beautiful girl with deep black hair and hazel eyes. She was smiling widely before she looked up and saw Eddie, her smile instantly dropping.

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