head over heels

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March 26th, 1985

It'd been a month since the party and I couldn't have been happier. Jackie and I hung out once before she had to leave to go back home to St. Louis. We'd gone to the mall, bringing max along to have a girl's shopping trip while Eddie and Gareth had band rehearsals. It was obvious that she and Max quickly bonded. Max had that effect on people, everyone loved her whether they could help her or not. Eddie and I have also hung out quite a lot in the last three weeks. A lot of making out, movie watching, and arguing over who gets the last of the snacks.

Now it was almost halfway through spring break, and after lots of begging a threatening, Max convinced Eddie and me to go on the double date with her and Lucas. Although we'd both already promised her we'd go, she had to bribe Eddie.

"You already promised, we had a deal! I don't see why I have to pay you!" She exclaimed from the backseat of Eddie's van.

"I don't think it's payment Little Mayfield. It's one milkshake and that's it, don't be so dramatic." He chuckled.

"You're one to talk! You're one of the most dramatic people I've ever met!" I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at their little argument. "Not to mention, I shouldn't have to bribe my sister's boyfriend into going on a date with her."

"Hey! Don't bring me into this," I chuckled.

"If it were a date with just her, I'd go for free. Hell, you wouldn't have to ask. But no, it's a date with her and you and your little boyfriend." He said, shifting his eyes from the road ahead to the rearview mirror. I could see the hint of a smile on his lips. I knew he didn't have a problem going to this double-date, he just wanted to annoy Max.

"Turn here," She instructed through gritted teeth.

We pulled into Lucas's driveway just as he was walking out the door of his house. I could see the boy falter for a moment before walking to the van. Max opened the back door and let him in, her previous sour mood being melted away.

"Hey, Max." He smiled at her as he got in.

"Hey. This is Beth's boyfriend, Eddie, by the way." She introduced, pointing towards the driver's seat.

He waved his hand in response before speaking, "Buckle up, kids." He pulled out of the driveway and started down the road. I could Lucas' look of fear due to Eddie's driving and I snorted to myself. Eddie did drive like a madman but after a while, you just get used to it.

"So, how's your spring break been, Lucas?" I asked, turning around slightly to face him.

"Pretty good, my friends and I are trying to plan out a campaign for summer but Dustin's gonna be at summer camp half the time." He shrugged and I nodded.

I was just about to speak when Eddie beat me to it, "Campaign? A DND campaign?" His voice was excited and intrigued.

"Yeah! You play?" Lucas asked, sounding just as excited as Eddie.

"He has an entire club for it at the high school," I could almost hear Max roll her eyes when she said that.

"It's called Hellfire, you and your friends should check it out next year." He stated, a smile pulling at his lips. He was extremely passionate about his club and he loved finding recruits so I knew how happy it made him to find someone who was going to be a freshman. Someone to carry it on when he graduates.

"Awesome, my friend Will would love it."

The two boys began talking about their characters and their best battles while Max and I listened. I was clueless about most of what they were saying, but there were bits and pieces that I understood from listening to Eddie rant about his past games.

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