the weirdest birthday ever

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TW: this chapter contains a scene and conversation pertaining to domestic abuse. if you are not comfortable reading such, I have marked the scenes and conversation that contain it with a bold dotted line. 

February 22nd, 1985

After what felt like the slowest week of my life, it was finally here. It was finally Friday, finally my birthday. I'd be lying if I said I woke up cheerful and happy, but in my defense I never do. I woke up groggy and tired just like any old morning, but the second I turned off my alarm I was stormed with confetti. Max had been waiting outside my door to hear me wake up before spraying my room with colorful bits of shredded paper.

"Happy Birthday, B! You're an official adult, how do you feel?" She asked, holding the confetti gun like a microphone.

I snickered at her antics before answering, "I feel the same that I did yesterday." I saw her frown a bit before I continued, "With one exception."

"And what would that be?"

"I mean, I guess I am a bit excited."

"Excited for what?"

"I am going on a date with Eddie Munson today."

I saw her face light up and she jumped around slightly. She stopped when I started laughing. "What?"

"If I didn't know any better Maxine, I'd say you were more excited for me to go on this date than I am."

"Of course I'm excited! You two are perfect together! And it's finally happening! And you finally get to-" She stopped herself mid-sentence with a hand clamped over her mouth.

"Finally get to what?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"You should get dressed, I'm sure Eddie will be here soon to pick us up and you don't want to be late for class on your birthday." She turned on her heel and left the room, practically sprinting down the hall.

"Max!" I tried to get her attention but it was pointless, her door was already closed.

I looked through my clothes, trying to decide on something to wear. I didn't want to dress how I usually did but I also didn't feel like going all out just for school. I decided on a pair of loose denim jeans that had ripped at the knee, a tucked-in black Metallica shirt, with my studded black belt, and converse. I looked outside and the snow from earlier in the week had melted and the sky was clear but I knew it'd still be a bit cold. I grabbed a black jean jacket out of my closet before walking to my dresser to grab the rings and necklaces I had stored in the jewelry box. I slipped on my rings and a long cross necklace, and onto the next task of getting ready. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked into the bathroom.

I turned on my curler and started on my makeup while I waited on it to heat up. Seeing the green light on my curler, telling me it was fully hot, I applied one last coat of mascara. I went for a simple eyeliner and mascara look, with just a small wing on the outer sides of my eyes. Water-lined with a blue shade to make my deep blue stand out. I curled the ends of my red hair just to add a bit of volume.

After getting dressed, and accessorizing to my liking, I walked over to the body mirror I had to take one final look. I know I'm not ugly, but don't usually feel pretty. Today, I do. I couldn't help but smile at myself. 


My thoughts were cut off by hearing something crash downstairs. I stepped out of my room as Max was heading for the staircase. I followed suit and at the bottom, I saw Billy. He was lying on the floor with a split lip, his dad standing over him.

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