russian elevators

859 21 2

July 3rd, 1985

We sat on the rooftop in silence, just watching for guards and waiting for Erica. I'd be lying if I said that the still silence wasn't ominous and unnerving. This entire plan had my mind reeling. There were Russians armed with serious weaponry guarding a loading room in the mall, in tiny and quiet Hawkins. The town where nothing bad ever happened before the Byer's kid went missing. By the time I moved here, the town was back to being quiet except for the secret government lab scandal and gossip around town. And now here I am with my two coworkers and a kid who isn't even high school yet waiting for another child to tell us she made it inside.

As if it were planned, Erica's voice came through the walkie. "Alright, nerds. I'm there"

"Do you- Do you see anything?" Robin asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about."

"Any guards?"

"Negative," Erica confirmed.

"Booby traps?" Robin pressed with slight humor in her voice.

"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?" Erica's attitude was clearly still intact.

"Thank you for that." Robin mocked sarcastically.

We all heard an abrupt yell and a loud clatter before Erica spoke again. "I'm in."

Suddenly, the double doors opened to reveal Erica standing with a hand on her hip, flashlights shining up at us. "Free ice cream for life for trying to blackmail me." She pointed her little finger up at us. Well, more specifically, me.

"Wait, you tried to blackmail her?" Steve asked, looking over at me with raised eyebrows.

I nodded slightly before Robin butted in between us. "She did, it was the coolest thing ever."

We all stood up from the roof and headed down to meet Erica on the ground. The moment I walked outside Erica's eyes met mine, a stern and hateful glare etched onto her features. I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk to the room before she stepped in front of me.

"Seriously? We don't have time for this." The others had already reached the room, turned around, and were waiting for Erica and me. I let out a heavy sigh before speaking. "Alright, fine. Free ice cream..."

The little rodent raised her eyebrows in expectance, waiting for me to continue.

"...for life. Happy, now?" She smiled and nodded her head before turning on her heel and catching up with the others. Once we were inside we closed the doors in fear of getting caught and Steve grabbed one of the boxes. He pulled out his pocket knife and sliced open the tape, the four of us all standing around him watching anxiously. As he opened the box we all huddled around to see the inside.

A small vault-type box was inside. He grabbed the metal handle and unlatched it, lifting the lid to reveal four smaller metal handles as the cold air from inside filled the space.

"Definitely not Chinese food," I mumbled and Steve nodded with a breath of a laugh. He grabbed one of the handles, about to unlatch it before looking at the four of us all standing around the box.

"Uh, maybe you guys should stand back." He ordered, making a pushing movement with his hands. Robin, Erica, and I all took one big step back as Dustin stayed planted in his spot.

"No." He muttered and Steve looked at him in disapproval.

"Just step back."


"Step. Back."



The two boys continued to argue before Dustin's final word echoed around the room. Everyone had their eyes on him but he was standing tall, staring at his older friend.

wanted - Eddie MunsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz