the past day

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January 30th, 1986

I woke up that morning with a jolt and soreness between my legs. In my groggy state, it took my brain to catch to where I was and all of the events of the previous night. Then Eddie grumbled in his sleep and everything seemed to catch up all at once. Shit.


I pushed the heels of my palms into my eyes until I saw the colorful spots before dragging my hands down my face. I carefully lifted the arm that Eddie had over my torso off and scooted out of bed, heading to the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of the light outside and had to guess that it was still very early in the morning. After using the bathroom and washing my hands I splashed some of the ice-cold water on my face before looking up at my reflection.

My hair was frizzy and sticking up in some places. My lips were a deep shade of pink and tender, much like the purple-ish marks all along my throat. I know I should regret what happened last night, should be scrambling to get dressed and run off but for some reason, I don't want to.

I don't regret any of what happened last night. And I certainly don't want to run away, rather crawl back into bed with Eddie and get a little while longer. Although, based on the stumbling footsteps that I can hear in the hallway, getting back in bed is off the table.

The door to the bathroom opened at there stood a groggy and still half-asleep Eddie, with no shirt or pants. Just him standing in the doorway in his boxers, scrubbing at one eye with his fist with his hair all over the place. His eyes met mine and in his raspy, sleepy voice he said, "Shit, sorry, didn't know you were in here."

"No, no, it's okay. I'm done." I went to leave the room but he stopped me with an arm around my waist, pulling me back. His eyes were locked on my neck as he brushed my hair out of the way to get a better look.

"Mmm," He hummed in approval, I slight smirk pulling at his mouth.

"Admiring your handiwork, Munson?" I asked and he nodded, not looking away. He dragged his fingers over the hickeys so softly it made me shiver and pull away. "That tickles."

He huffed a laugh and finally looked into my eyes. "Lemme brush my teeth, can't kiss you with morning breath."

"I have to go back anyways, all my stuff is at home. Clothes, toothbrush, a shower." I laughed and he shook his head. "What do you mean, no?"

"I mean, no. I've got a spare toothbrush in the closet and clothes you can wear and a shower." He looked in the direction of all the things he listed and I smiled before shaking my head.

"Are you trying to hold me, hostage, now?"

He nodded with a devilish smirk. "Oh, absolutely. I don't want you to go, yet."

"Well, I've got to go at some point. I have work, today." He pouted. Pouted. "I promise, I'll come back."

"Fine, fine." He groaned with a playful roll of his eyes that caused me to giggle. He pulled me to him by my waist, wrapping his arms over my shoulders as mine went around his waist. "At least a little longer, I want a kiss before you leave." He mumbled into my hair.

I snorted and nodded my head, looking up at him to see a wide smile across his face, showing off his dimples. "Fine, but you have to go get me that toothbrush first."

He hurriedly nodded before parting from me. He didn't waste a second after we were done brushing our teeth, tugging the shirt at my hip to pull me to him. A small smile matched between the two of us as he brushed my hair behind my ear and leaned down to meet our lips.

We pulled apart and he kissed the tip of my nose before whispering, "I missed you,"

"I missed you, too."

wanted - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now