false promises

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TW: smut. degradation. bondage. 

"I can't graduate this year, I'm being held back again."

His revelation stopped me in my tracks. "W- What? Why not?"

"My grades. I'm almost all of my classes." His years went everywhere, but they never met mine.

"Eddie, why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped you and we could've brought your grades up." We walked back to our table and he shook his head as he sat down.

"Because I know you, you would've worked your ass off just to help me graduate." He chuckled. I knew he was right, I would've done everything I could to help him. "I didn't want our time together to be spent like that."

"Our time together? Eddie, I'm not going anywhere." I furrowed my brows and he bowed his head.

"You should go to California when you graduate," I understood what he meant now.

"I want to, but I can't. I can't just leave-"

He cut me off, finally looking me in the eyes. "You can, and you should. Don't stay here because of me, princess."

"Eddie, I-"

"Please," He pleaded, "Promise me that you'll go."

I didn't want to promise that. I have too much here. I can't just pick up and leave when I graduate. I can't leave Max. I can't leave him. But I nodded my head anyway because I knew he wouldn't let it go until I agreed.

"I need your word, princess." He urged with a tone of finality in his voice.

"I promise." I lied. Thankfully, he believed it. I didn't want to lie to him but I knew that I needed to.

"Thank you," He muttered before standing up. "Now, you wanna go smoke?"

I chuckled, looking up to see the dorky grin on his face before nodding my head. We walked through the empty halls of the school to the backdoors. It was getting closer and closer to summer so the air was still warm from the day. We sat on the steps as Eddie pulled a joint out of his pocket, lighting it and inhaling it before passing it to me.

We sat there for a while in silence as we smoked. Neither of us wanted to leave the moment. We knew that as soon as we did, reality would set in and we'd be stuck facing our lives again. But out here, on the back steps of the school, we could pretend that time had stopped. That we were given a little bit of peace to stay in for the moment.

I looked at him to see he had his head back, looking up at the stars in the sky. He must've felt me staring because he looked down at me a moment later. I picked the joint from his fingers and took a long drag, his eyes glued to me the entire time. I inhaled the smoke into my lungs before turning my head back to Eddie, leaning in and placing my lips on his as I exhaled. He took the smoke into his mouth as it passed my lips. He held it for a moment before exhaling the small bit of smoke. Once he did, his lips met mine again and he kissed me deeply.

A sudden passion and lust sparked in both of us. His hand went to my thigh, squeezing it roughly through my dress. I gasped at the feeling and he took the opportunity to meet our tongues. My hands tangled into his hair, tugging at the roots slightly which earned a groan from him. He pulled away, his chest heaving with every breath he took.

"You wanna get out of here?" He asked, removing his hand from my thigh and placing it on my cheek. I frantically nodded and he smirked before standing up, offering a hand to help me. We hurried to his van and he helped me inside before getting in. He started the van and quickly skidded out of the parking lot and away from the school.

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