the date

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TW: this chapter does contain some light smut.

February 22nd, 1985

I walked over to my closet and started searching for something to wear. After ten minutes of searching and finding nothing good enough, I shouted to Max. She came up to my door looking confused, her eyes searching around at the closed I had scattered around my floor. "I don't know what to wear." I sighed in defeat. I wide grin spread across her features and she turned on her heel and ran down the hallway, back to her room. "Max!"

She came back out a few seconds later, holding a gift bag. "I might've planned this." She shrugged before handing the bag. "Happy birthday, B."

I looked up at her with confused eyes before opening the bag. I pulled on the hanger inside and with it came a long-sleeve, black dress. The back had studded buttons running down the spine. I gasp as I took it in, it was beautiful. I looked back at her and she smiled, "Do you like it?"

"I love it, thank you so much, Max." I set the dress down next to me on the bed and pulled her into a hug. "You are the best little sister ever, you know that?"

"I know." She chuckled. "Now, get dressed, missy." She said with a nod of her head.

I decided to do my hair and fix my makeup a bit before putting the dress on. I had big curls throughout my red hair. I applied a bit more mascara just to make my lashes look longer, and finished off my makeup with a dark red, glossy lipstick. I pulled out a pair of sheer black pantyhose and finally slipped the dress on. I decided to slip my shoes on before buttoning the dress up. Going with a pair of strapped, chunky maroon heels to match my lipstick. I took a deep breath before calling Max into my room again. Once I heard her open the door I turned around, moving my hair to the side. "Can you button this for me?" She muttered an 'of course' and helped close the back of the dress.

"Okay, you're good. Turn around and let me see!" When I did she gasp slightly, her eyes going up and down. "Oh my gosh, B. You look beautiful!" Her compliment made me blush. I stepped around the room to my body-length mirror to look. She was right, I do look beautiful. The dress had a sweetheart neckline, leading to its tight sleeves that started on my mid-shoulder. It hugged my waist and chest in just the right way, flowing down at my hips to end just before my knees. We heard a knock at the door and I looked over to the clock to see that it had been 58 minutes since Eddie left. Max ran out of the room and down the stairs to open the door. "B, he's here!" She shouted up at me. I grabbed my black leather jacket and purse before walking out of the room. From the top of the stairs, I could see Eddie's sneakers and his black jeans. I started to step down the stairs and immediately felt like Eddie was right, I felt like I was a princess.

"Woah," He gasped out once I reached the bottom. His eyes were wide and roaming my body, and his mouth was slightly agape. Max lifted a finger to Eddie's chin to shut his mouth before looking at me.

"Have fun, and I'll see you when you get back. I'll pack a bag for you for the weekend." I nodded in response to her before looking back at Eddie. Trailing up from his white sneakers to his black jeans, he wore a crisp white button-up. One of his tattoos was poking out from the top where he had two buttons undone. He had on his black jacket and a jean vest. "Take care of her, Eddie!" Max said pointing a finger at him. He turned his head, peeling his eyes away from me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Of course." He stuttered out. I giggled lightly as Max glared at him, trying her best to look menacing. "You ready?" He turned back to me.

"Mhmm," I was still eyeing him. "Be good, and walkie me if you need anything," I said to Max before walking out the door. "Love you!"

"Love you, too! Be safe!"

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