family reunion

656 16 0

July 4th, 1985

Robin was the first to talk after we threw up what felt like our entire digestive system. "The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Did it stop spinning for you guys, too?"

"Holy shit." There was a hopeful beat of silence from Steve before he continued. "No."

"What about you, Beth?" Robin asked from her stall, two over from mine.

I groaned as I lifted my head from my arms, looking up to the ceiling to see it blurry but not moving. "Not spinning," I grumbled before laying my head back down. I had my back against the stall wall and my knees pulled up to my chest, hugging myself and resting my forehead against my arms. I just wanted to go to bed, the last forty-eight hours have left me utterly exhausted.

"You think we puked it all up?" Steve asked from the stall next to mine.

"Maybe. Ask me something." Robin suggested, sounding a lot better than I felt. She sounded tired but was still lively and cracking jokes.

"Okay, sure, uhm... When was the last time you peed your pants?" Steve chuckled.

"Today," Robin stated, clear as day.


"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw." She explained and Steve began to laugh.

"Oh, my God." He said in shock.

"Just a little bit, though." Robin giggled.

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system." Steve groaned and I could imagine what he looked like. Pinching the bridge of his nose with a slightly worried smile on his face.

"All right, my turn," Robin announced. "Okay, Beth... What's something you regret?"

I took a deep breath, trying to think of my answer. I don't regret anything that's happened because of this job, even the 'getting tortured by evil Russians' part. I don't regret moving here, mostly. I don't regret anything with Eddie, except the phone call. I shouldn't have called him. Picking my head up and sighing before I answered.

"I called my ex about five minutes ago when you two were at the water fountain."

"And you regret it?" Robin asked sounding confused.

"Yeah. The one I told you about? We didn't exactly uh... break it off on good terms." My voice was hoarse and croaky.

"Who's your ex?" Steve piped up from next to me, only a wall separating us.

"Eddie Munson." I sighed.

"Eddie the Freak?" He sounded shocked and in disbelief.

"Jesus." I groaned at the nickname. "That's the one."

"Huh." He hummed in return. Nothing more is being said about him or me.

"Okay, Steve." Robin moved on to ask him a question, testing if the drugs were still there. "Have you... ever been in love?"

I heard the small sigh Steve gave before his answer as if he hated the question. "Yep. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year." He finished off his revelation with an animated gun noise.

"Oh, my God." Robin groaned. "She's such a priss."

"Turns out, not really." Steve defended. As much as I didn't want to judge the girl, seeing as I knew nothing about her, she did seem like a bit of a priss.

Robin scoffed as if she didn't buy it. "Are you still in love with Nancy?"


"Why not?"

wanted - Eddie MunsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora