careful what you wish for

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February 22nd, 1986

"You mean to tell me that it's your birthday and it's a Saturday, and you just weren't going to tell anyone?" Jackie stormed back into Max and I's bedroom like a tornado. 

Robin snapped her head to me. "It's your birthday?!" 

Max snickered from her place on her bed, not helping me at all as my two friends stared at me in shock. I'd introduced Jackie and Robin a few days ago and they quickly became friends. Now, I'm regretting it a little seeing as they're ganging up on me. 

"Yeah, it's my nineteenth. Not a big deal." I shrugged and Jackie glared at me. Then, just to top off my upcoming torture, Max stood up and mumbled something about going outside to skateboard before leaving. 

"Not a big deal? Not a big deal?! It's a Saturday, we can throw a party at Gareth's!" Jackie begged.

"Or Steve's!" Robin added

I looked between the two girls, both of them giving me puppy dog eyes. "How'd you even figure out it was my birthday?" I tried to deflect and Jackie shrugged. 

"Eddie told me." 


"Munson?" Robin and I asked in unison and she nodded. 

"He told me before he left so I'd be able to celebrate your birthday with you since he's not gonna be here."  She explained with sympathetic eyes. He'd given me a half-baked excuse about being out of town this weekend and told me he was sorry for not being here on my birthday. 

"Of course he did," I mumbled under my breath. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little hurt he was going to be here but I did my best to shrug it off. 

"So, this party..." Jackie started, moving back to our original topic with a mischievous smirk. 

I groaned dramatically before smiling, "You two figure it out!" 

Jackie clapped her hands in excitement and Robin smiled. "So Gareth or Steve's?" Jackie asked her. 

"Uh, I don't know Gareth..." Robin said. 

Jackie nodded before adding, "And I don't know Steve. So, it looks like you are the common denominator here and you have to pick a house." She said, turning to me. 

"Steve's house is bigger and he has a pool." Jackie looked at me skeptically. 

"It's February." 

"It's heated and he has a fire pit." She smiled brightly and nodded. 

"Steve's house it is!" 

After making phone calls to all our friends, which weren't very many, Jackie and Robin left to get ready. Before they did, they sifted through my clothes and picked out something for me to wear, not trusting me to pick out my outfit. 

"You cannot just wear an old band tee and jeans, absolutely not!" Jackie ordered when I tried to argue. Max had come back inside shortly after and begged and pleaded to let her go to the party too. 

"Please? I'm in high school, now!" She was holding up her hands in a praying way, her blue eyes staring me down. 

Finally, I gave in. "Fine! But no drinking or smoking or anything! You can eat whatever snacks there will be and you can dance, but that's it!" 

She charged forward, almost tackling me as she hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm gonna go call Dustin!" 

"Woah, Woah, Dustin? Why?" I stopped her as she went to go get her walkie. 

wanted - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now