memories and morons

701 15 1

TW: violence

July 4th, 1985

We were picked up off the ground and carried to separate rooms. After I was thrown onto a small bench in the room, a man handcuffed my hands behind my back as a general walked in. The man the bound me to the bench and walked around and stood behind him.

"Who do you work for?" The general asked, his thick Russian accent making him seem all the more menacing. I stayed silent and the man chuckled at me. "Not saying anything will not help you."

I rolled my eyes and with a heavy sigh, I answered his question. "I work for Scoops Ahoy in the Starcourt mall."

The general looked at the man and gave him a small nod. The man stepped forward and quickly raised his arm before backhanding me. My head sharply turned from the impact as I let out a scream and I could taste the metallic twang of blood in my mouth. The general stepped closer to me as I picked my head back up. Leaning down so that his face was level with mine.

"Who do you work for?" He repeated. I glared at him with a disgusted and pained look on my face before gathering all the blood and liquid in my mouth and abruptly spitting it in his face. The general flinched slightly as the red liquid hit him. He wiped the spit off his face with a sadistic smile before turning to his guard and nodding again. I watched as the general turned on his heel and walked out the door before seeing the guard approach me with his fist raised.

"No, no, no! No, n-" My pleads were cut off as his knuckles connected with my jaw with extreme force. As my head snapped around my body began to feel heavy and my eyelids slowly closed as my sight grew blurry. Then everything went dark.

Robin's POV

"Let go off me, you shitbirds!" I was screaming and wriggling. Doing everything I could to get out of their grip. They didn't budge, only grunting in response as they held me tighter before tossing me into a new room. I landed on the floor with a thud and as I turned my head I could see Steve and Beth laying there, completely still. I scooted across the floor as more of the Russian guards filed in. Steve's eyes were swollen shut and Beth had a bruise forming on her right cheek. "Hey, hey... Steve? Beth?"

The door buzzed open and in walked a Russian general. His uniform was as crisp as his face was smug. He stared down at me and chuckled as he saw me trying to wake my sleeping friends. A proud smirk on his face and red hot anger was bubbling inside me.

"What did you do to them? What did you do?!" He cut me off my backhanding me across my face, a sharp pain immediately going to the spot as I yelped. I fell to lay on the floor again and groaned, the general ordered his men to do something as he pointed to us before stepping away. Two men came and picked me up off the floor by my upper arms as I began squirming again.

"No! Don't touch me!" I shrieked but they ignored me as they set me up in a chair with my back to Steve and Beth to our side. "Steve, wake up! Steve? Beth, come on!"

They both remained silent as the men tied us all together tightly, ignoring everything I was saying to them. "What did you do?!"

I was trying my best to wriggle around, trying to loosen up the bands that they had tied us with. I turned my head as the general came to stand in front of Steve, picking his head up and tutting at his handiwork. "Don't touch him!" I seethed.

I leaned my head back against Steve's trying to talk to him. "Steve, can you hear me?"

He didn't reply. Instead, the general began speaking as he walked over to face me. "I think your friend needs a doctor. Good thing... We have the very best." He turned his head to look at the man standing behind him in a lab coat.

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