prince charming

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May 4th, 1985

"Wait, what color is your dress again?" Jackie asked as she put yet another pin in my hair.

"It's green," I chuckled.

"And it's a very beautiful dress, I might add." I looked over from where I was sitting at my desk to see my mother standing in the doorway of my room. "Jackie, dear, I have a few hairpins that might work if you'd like to take a look."

Jackie's face lit up and she beamed in excitement. "That'd be perfect! Thank you, Mrs. Hargrove."

"Please, call me Susan, dear." My mother smiled before walking away.

"Your mom's sweet," I just hummed in response to her statement.

I called Jackie the moment I got home the day that Eddie asked me to prom. When I told her, she squealed and immediately started going on and on about everything we needed to do. She came to Hawkins for a visit, much to Gareth's dismay, that was based on getting me the perfect dress. After hours of walking around the Starcourt mall, Max finally spotted one. It was a beautiful emerald green dress that hugged my waist and bodice perfectly. It had two thick straps and two puffed and pleated off-the-shoulder straps. It fanned out just past my hips, creating a waterfall train that ended at my knees in the front and at my mid-calves in the back. When max pointed at it, I originally was too keen on the color. But when I tried it on, Jackie and Max's faces had me sold on it.

"Here are those pins," My mother returned with a small box, setting it on my desk as she smiled at the two of us. She walked back out just as Max was walking in.

"Is the hair done yet?" She groaned.

"Nope," Jackie replied, popping the 'p'.

Another ten minutes passed before Jackie went through the box of pins my mother left. She selected a few of them and went back to work on my hair.

"You know, you should wear green more often. Just from what I can see from these little rhinestones, green looks good with your hair." She wiggled one of the pins that were decorated in sparkly little gems.

Max snickered from her place on my bed. Jackie and I turned around in unison, both looking at my sister in confusion. "What?" She asked when she saw our raised eyebrows. "She never wears anyways other than black or red. And red is a very rare occasion."

"That's not true! I wear some colors!" I defended.

"B, black band t-shirts that happen to have color on them don't count." She said with an obvious look.

"They do count," I tried to argue back.

"No, they don't." Max and Jackie said in unison causing us all to laugh. Jackie went back to fix my hair and just as she had finished a knock sounded on my door.

I looked over to see Billy dressed in a pair of nice slacks and a white button-down shirt. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion as I spoke, "Billy?"

"Which tie?" He held up two options, a solid light blue and a patterned dark gray.

"You are going to prom?" Max snarked with a chuckle.

He glared at her before repeating his question.

"Uh, the gray one?" I said, more like asked, still very confused.

"Thanks, and yes Maxine. I am going to prom, I have a date." That was no surprise, Billy had about six different girlfriends per week. He turned to look at Jackie who was standing next to me. "Hey, Jackie. How you doin' today, darling?" He asked with a smirk as he dragged his eyes over her body.

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