Chapter Twenty-Four

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Maleeka Winters

Maleeka watched as Karen sat in Yoongi's office in frustration. It was two days before Christmas Eve and the office was hectic. She wasn't even in his office that long when she started.

"Maleeka do you have the invitations?" Bo Young asked.

Bo young looked at a zoned out Maleeka and snapped her fingers in her face.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Maleeka asked snapping out of it.

"Do you have the invitations?" Bo young asked.

"Uh yeah yeah." Maleeka said scavenging through her papers.

She passed her a thick envelope full of Christmas invitations and Bo Young looked at her.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Yeah just overthinking as usual." Maleeka said.

"Ok, I'll be back." She said walking away.

Maleeka phone vibrated and she looked at it. It was her mom, she smiled and picked it up.

"Hey mommy." She said.

"Hi baby." Charlene said.

"Are you ok?" Maleeka asked.

"Yeah I'm just calling to ask who was picking us up from the airport?" She asked.

"I will, how's daddy?" She asked.

"He's good, annoying as hell but good." She said.

Maleeka laughed.

"Well that's daddy for you." She said.

"Yeah, now about this special person." Charlene said.

"I'll tell you when I pick you up." Maleeka said.

Charlene laughed.

"Ok." She said.

"I have to go, I love you mom." Maleeka said.

"I love you to." Charlene said before hanging up.

Maleeka smiled as she placed her phone on her desk. She continued her paper work as she heard Yoongi's door opened.

"Welcome to the team Ms.Jinsui, Bo Young will show you to your desk." Yoongi said.

"Thank you Chairman Min, it's a pleasure working with you." Karen smiled.

She held her hand out and Yoongi looked at it, he hesitantly shook her hand and gave her a tight lip smile.

Maleeka watched as she walked away and looked at Yoongi.

"Good job." She mouth holding a thumbs up.

Yoongi gave her a wink and called her into his office. She went into his office and sat down as she watched him do the same.

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