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One year later

Maleeka Winters

Maleeka sat at her desk thinking about Yoongi, he's been on his business trip for a week and he wasn't expected to come home until next week. She missed him a lot, she been working non stop this year to save up for her business.

"Leeka?" Bo Young asked waving her hand in her face.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah yeah, I was just thinking." Maleeka said.

"Ok, well Karen, Rebecca and I wanted to get drinks after work you want to come?" She asked.

"Yeah." Maleeka smiled.

Bo young nodded and walked away, Maleeka finished up her work and met up with her friends before they went to a nearby pub.

"Gosh Karen can you please put the phone down?" Rebecca asked.

"Right ever since you got with Taehyung you've been on that phone." Bo Young said rolling her eyes.

"Oh wow, Bo you and Jungkook been dating for what three months and you've been gushing and smiling at your phone to." Karen said.

Bo Young shook her head and blushed.

"This isn't about me." She said.

Maleeka laughed.

"You girls are so in love." Maleeka said.

"I know you're not talking Maleeka, you've been sulking at your desk for the past week because Yoongi's not here." Rebecca said.

"You have to Rebecca, if I recall isn't Hoseok with Yoongi?" Karen asked.

Maleeka laughed at Rebecca's face and shook her head. Yes her and Hoseok was a thing, it's been about two and half months since they've made it official.

"This isn't about the guys right now this is about us girls." Maleeka said.

"To us." Bo young said holding her glass up.

"Yes to us." Maleeka said holding her glass with Bo Young.

Karen and Rebecca joined and they continued drinking. They were way past drunk at this point. Karen and Bo Young were singing off key to some song as Rebecca and Maleeka were dancing.

"Jesus Christ."

Maleeka looked up and seen Yoongi, she squealed as she jumped in his arms.

"Hi baby." She slurred.

Yoongi backed his face up as her alcoholic breath hit his nose. Hoseok sighed as he looked at Rebecca dancing way off beat.

"Hey, you're ready to go?" He asked.

"When did you get here?" She asked.

"Like ten minutes ago, you weren't answering your phone." He said.

"My phone? My phone is dead." She giggled.

Yoongi chuckled and put her arm over his shoulder. He called Taehyung to get Karen and Jungkook to get Bo Young.

"Chairman Min come dance." Bo Young slurred.

Yoongi shook his head as Maleeka laughed. Once Taehyung and Jungkook came. He and Maleeka began to head home, since there house wasn't far they walked.

"What did I tell you about drinking irresponsibly?" He asked.

"Aww you're mad at me?" She asked.

"I could never be mad at you." He said.

Maleeka smiled as they stumbled upon the porch.

"Well this is me." She said.

Yoongi looked at her confused.

"Thanks for walking me home." She hiccuped.

"Jesus how much did you drink?" He asked as he chuckled.

He helped her inside and got her settled. Which was a big hassle by the way. He looked at her as she laid down, with low eyes she looked up at him.

"Why'd you come home so early?" She asked.

"Because I couldn't wait one more week to see you." He smiled.

"Awwwww you're making me blush." She giggled.

Yoongi chuckled.

"Marry me." He mumbled.

"What you say?" She asked.

"Marry me." He said louder.

"You ain't even got no ring such an indecent proposal." She giggled.

Yoongi grabbed a piece of paper and made a paper ring putting it on her ring finger. They looked at one another and laughed.

"Marry me." He said again.

"Yes I'll marry you." She giggled.

Yoongi laughed as he pecked her lips. She fiddled with the paper ring and smiled. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

It was a good thing that her mother beat the cancer, because now she can be at her wedding. Her life was messy and unorganized before she met yoongi, it's funny how she changed so much in the past year. She couldn't be any more happier than what she already was.

The end



I inserted two of my bts books in the wattys I hope I win this time. I need something to uplift me.

Thank you guys for reading this book. I enjoyed writing it and reading you guys comments. Please check on "Something's wrong with my husband." 😘

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