Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Maleeka Winters

Maleeka woke up to something wet on her face and groaned. She opened her eyes and was met with Zoey.

"Ughh Zoey go away." She said turning her body.

She felt another lick on her face and opened her eyes to Holly. She sighed and sat up rubbing her head.

"Ok ok, I'm up." She mumbled.

She checked her phone and noticed it was now late at night. She looked to her right and noticed Yoongi wasn't in bed.

She stood up and stretched, she heard laughter downstairs and followed the voices.

"Yeah and she was so nervous but I had to let her know." Yoongi said.

Carl laughed as he took a sip of his beer.

"Hey guys." Maleeka said.

"Hey pumpkin, Yoongi and I were just chatting." Carl said.

Maleeka smiled and nodded.

"Where's mom?" Maleeka asked.

"She's in the kitchen." Carl said.

Maleeka nodded and went to the kitchen to see her mother struggling to cut lettuce.

"I got it mamma." Maleeka said taking the knife out of her hand.

Charlene smiled and sat down.

"Thank you baby." She said.

"You welcome Mommy." Maleeka smiled as she began cutting the lettuce.

"So how did you and Yoongi meet?" Charlene asked.

"Well...Yoongi is my boss." Maleeka said.

Charlene looked at her wide eyed and thought before she spoke.

"Ok so break it down for me." Charlene said.

"Well he came to me first and no I didn't feel pressured because he's my boss. He's sweet, and very respectful and he loves me. And momma I love him to." She explained.

Charlene looked at her daughter and smiled. She was happy that she found real love, it was less of her to worry about.

"I'm happy that you're happy baby, are you sure he is the one?" Charlene asked.

"Yes mommy." Maleeka said.

"So with you guys working together, how does that work?" Charlene asked.

Maleeka began placing the chopped lettuce in a container.

"Well it works well, we put boundaries down. I'm actually planning on resigning, I haven't told him yet but I think it'll be better for us." She explained.

"Why?" Charlene asked.

"Well I had a run in with a fellow co worker who was trying to get with him. I stepped out of my comfort zone and just got defensive." Maleeka said.

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