Chapter Thirty-One

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Maleeka Winters

Maleeka stepped out of the car and shivered as the cold winter air hit her. She was taking her family to Jungkook's restaurant to try his food.

"Welcome welcommmeee."

Maleeka smiled as she embraced Hyun in a hug.

"How was your Christmas?" He asked.

"It was a night for the books." She laughed.

"Who do you have here?" He asked.

"These are my parents, my mother Charlene and My father Carl. This is Hyun owner of this restaurant and of course the best person." She smiled.

Hyun laughed and embraced them both in a hug. Yoongi smiled as Hyun guided them to there seats. They ordered and Carl decided to break the ice.

"So last night was one to remember." Carl joked.

There was an awkward silence.

"I just want to apologize on my families behalf." Yoongi said.

"It's fine Yoongi, you're nothing like them and that's all that matters." Charlene said smiling.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Besides I'm pretty sure Maleeka handled it." Charlene chuckled.

"Actually she did, never seen her like that." He smiled.

Charlene smiled as he watched Yoongi squeeze Maleeka's hand. The food came and they talked and goofed around until it was time to go. The ride to the airport was bitter sweet. Maleeka didn't want her mother to leave.

"Don't you go crying on me." Charlene said.

"I won't." Maleeka smiled.

"I love you so much, I want you to be happy at all cost even when I'm gone." She demanded.

Maleeka broke down into tears.

"I will." She sniffed.

"I love you honey." Charlene said embracing her in a hug.

"I love you to mommy." Maleeka said hugging her back.

"You take care of her yoongi." Charlene said.

"Yes ma'am I will." Yoongi said.

Charlene embraced Yoongi into a hug and he tensed up but immediately relaxed.

"Bye daddy." Maleeka said embracing her father into a hug.

"Bye baby, you be good ok." Carl said.

"I will." She laughed.

"Have a safe flight." Yoongi said waving.

They waved back and boarded there flight. Yoongi wrapped his arm around Maleeka as they made there way back to the car.

"Everything will be ok." He said.

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