I Cant

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Inspired by my English teacher


walking through the halls.

people laughing at me.

well with me.

I was a class clown but the most popular guy at this school. idk how though.

I can barely speak English.

im Laurent bourgeois. im 17 years old, im from paris france. I moved here to the states at age 11.  I play ball and the star player at that.

that's why im  passing all my classes.


I flunk every class with a 10% cause I......

Cant read...not English.

I cant write English.

I cant spell in English.

I barely know my left and right.

but every year my teachers pass me.

the teacher blame it on the administration, they blame it on the district, the district blames my mom and my mom blames me but i still......

Cant Read.

i can dribble a ball, drop a 3 pointer, and almost dunk....i can get you 13 points but i .......

Cant Read English.

cant write it,

cant spell in it.

i can barely tell left from right.

i want help i really do but they constantly tell me ball is all i need.

today is the biggest game of the year. championships. if we win ill be scouted to another American school on a full scholarship for bball.

"good luck lau we believe in you." my teacher and other classmates said as the day ended.  "merci sir." was the only thing i could say. i cant speak it either. nobody thought to teach me so i learn by myself.

the only person who understands me is my French teacher.

ms. Patterson

shes not from france but shes very fluent and it helps a lot.

"bonjour Laurent." she greeted. "Bonjour madam Patterson."

we talked about every thing. she taught me some new words today.









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