Chapter 21

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When Hunter and Navalia fell through the other side of the memory painting, the purple Kid Belos was running off.

The memory's color was so faded, you could barely make out the color. As they two of them followed the kid, they discovered that this place was old Bonesborough.

He ran into a crowd of people gathered in front of a small stage.

Hunter and Navalia went in. Not long after, a younger Belos walked onto the stage.

He started doing his weird Jesus preaching about the Titan and controlling magic and stuff. Hunter looked up with admiration. Navalia watched with a bad feeling in her gut.

He elbowed her arm.

"See? He's always been helping the people!"

Suddenly, the area was filled with explosions.

"The Wild Witches! They have fouund me! Run!"

Hunter and Navalia went down a clear corridor to avoid the bombed area. They ended up walking in on the Emperor scolding what seemed to be the first Golden Guard.

Navalia could tell because he wore the frilly neck thing she stole from the museum that one time.

"You incompetent fool! You nearly took my head off with that blast!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Belos."

Navalia turned to Hunter. That was his voice, but he wasn't speaking. It was the other guy...

The conversation ended with the discovery that it was all deliberately planned. They two of them followed the kid out of the memory.

"Belos lied. He faked the attack..."

"It was probably a technique to get people to listen! It's for the greater good..."

Navalia hated when Hunter was like this. He always denied every bad detail about Belos, never wanting to accept how horrible he really was.

If she wanted them to both see the truth, she needed something bigger.


Hunter pulled her away from the painting before she could get touched by the slimy fingers of the monstrous inner Belos.

"The kid is going into another memory!"

They followed him and ended up on a snowy hill. They followed the kid up to a small crowd of some witches and Belos.

Hunter saw the kid was taking stuff from the memories.

"What's he doing?"

"I don't know..."

Belos gestured to a burnt town behind them. He made a big speech to the witches, deceiving them into thinking that wild magic had done this.

He basically said they had to "purify their magic" or some bullshit like that. He had a new Golden Guard go around and give them sigils.

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨                         Tнe Goldeɴ GυαrdWhere stories live. Discover now