Chapter 27

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The Day of Unity was now upon this world.

Navalia tried not to look down to the ground below, since the place was just flooded with the hues of the nine covens.

Kikimora hadn't noticed that she had captured only half of the most wanted teens on the Boiling Isles, since you could only see the silhouettes of the girls from the outside.

Kiki led them past some doors in the head. They could hear her present them to Belos. However, they could hear her get thrown out.

The force field that Luz and Navalia were in then broke, and they fell onto the ground. Belos stood before them with his artificial staff and his old Philip getup.

"I am glad to see you, my fellow human. Pity that she brought along the—!"

"I can see you like the haircut. I look good, don't you think?"

Luz turned invisible and Navalia teleported. Luz appeared behind him.

"Spicy toss!!!"

She launched a huge fire x in his direction, which he blocked by barely moving his arm.

Navalia shot him up by making icy spikes shoot up from below Belos.

This fight had officially begun.

While Navalia did the head on fighting, Luz went around the room setting up traps and attacking remotely, since Navalia had insisted this beforehand.

Belos took a step backward, triggering a vine trap Luz had put down.

"I hadn't realized you were already combining glyphs. You have a strange intuition with these. Took me years to figure that out. Almost like the Titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge."

"I mean, could you really blame him?"

A green plasma ray tripped up Belos. Ice stalactites went to attack Belos, but he quickly regained balance and blocked.

"You're both decades away from defeating me."

In a split second, Luz was in his grasp.


Navalia turned her staff to sword form and tried to cut his gooey arm to free Luz. He dodged several times before using his other goop arm to pin her to the ground.

Luz kicked her legs and wriggled around.

"Eat shit, Belos!"

"It's Philip. And despite our differences, I want to help you, Luz. I can send you home. I have just enough Titan blood for one more trip. Please. I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place."

Navalia slowly got to her feet, feeling the grip on her tightening. She gathered up her energy, and a green blast freed her from Belos' goo hand.

She teleported Luz to her and they stood on the opposite side of the room of Belos.

"You're such a fucking hypocrite." Luz said. "You talk big about protecting humanity, but you're barely even a human now after all you've done."

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨                         Tнe Goldeɴ GυαrdWhere stories live. Discover now