Chapter 25

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Luz, Hooty, Navalia, and King trudged through the snow of the Knee. Navalia walked with her eyes glowing a soft green and a hand on her green gem necklace, using Oracle magic to search for Lilith and Eda's location.

"They should be up this hill in a cave!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Luz and King started to run ahead of her.

"Guys! Calm down! You're gonna—wah!"

Once they were a couple feet from the cave, Luz and King triggered a trap, causing them all to get caught up in a net.


"At least this way we'll know if they're here."

About ten seconds later, Eda and Lilith came to see them swinging in the net. They let them down and took them into the cave.

They sat by the fire bees.

"Lulu! I got you a shirt!"

Hooty threw up a T-shirt on Lilith's lap. She held it up and read the text on it aloud.

"I was sacrificed to the Grand Huntsman?"


Luz laughed nervously.

"So like, turns out Kings letter was sent by a bunch of Titan Trappers that tried to sacrifice King to the Collector..."

"Who is also the god of their worship."

"Oh. So you found a commune of bloodthirsty cultists in a location that was supposedly empty!"

Lilith sweat dropped.

"I'm sure it wasn't that scary. I mean, there aren't any Titans to trap anymore."

"So about that..."

Navalia looked down at King, checking if he wanted to be the one to make the announcement. He signaled for her to go ahead.

"King here... is a Titan."

"Guess I'm due for a growth spurt soon. Ha ha..."

Eda, Luz, and Navalia watched King try to make a Francois out of snow, since his original plush was confiscated when the coven scouts raided.

"I can't believe that little guy is gonna turn into that big guy."

"Certainly explains a lot, though. He's just dealing with so much..."

"If only we could give him some form of comfort."

Lilith came up to the cave entrance where they were standing.

"I can't believe this! All this time, you've had a Titan under your roof! Oh my gosh! I've eaten ice cream with a god!"

"He's not a god just because he's gonna grow over a hundred times in size at some point in his life, auntie."

"He falls into the toilet like, once a day." Luz added.

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨                         Tнe Goldeɴ GυαrdWhere stories live. Discover now