Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete

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*At Hanzō academy*

Asuka: ...

Red: *Walks down* Why are you here?

Chosen one: Why are you doing this? Tell me.

Blue: Is there something wrong? Come on, tell us.

Orange: We're your friends. So stop.

Asuka: You don't understand. You don't understand how I feel.

Yellow: We may not, but we'll sure as hell try.

Green: It's better than nothing.

Orange: So come on. Please just, come back-

Asuka: I'm only here to inform you to not join the Shinobi masters. That is all.

Yellow: We're not listening.

Chosen one: We are joining, whether you like it or not.

Asuka: ... This is just a warning. If you pursue, I will stop you one by one. *Vanishes*

Orange: Mike, I trust your judgement, but I'm getting some doubts.

Mike: *Appears* Don't worry. I'll make sure of it. I know you all can do it. Sorry if I can't do much. But I can't as of the moment. Sorry I really am. *Teleports away*

*At Gessen*

Yumi: Weight loss!?? Seriously!? But time is of the essence!!

Shiki: Yeah duh. Christmas is just around the corner and who knows what fattening foods will be at those parties?

Yumi: I was obviously talking about the tournament.

Yozakura: Yumi.

Yumi: Yozakura? Is something the matter?

Yozakura: *Hands her a book* You have to see this. It's the official Gessen girls academy newsletter. I want you to look at the photo from the top left hand corner.

Yumi: It looks like the middle school athletic tournament.

Yozakura: Now, look under the white tent in the background.

Yumi: Is that...

Murakumo: Gekkō and Senkō?

Shiki: For real?

Minori: Does that mean they go to the middle school?

Yozakura: Yumi, what do you wanna do?

Yumi: I think we need to investigate this matter further. Can you contact Roy for me?

Yozakura: What for?

Yumi: He was the one with the Hanzō girls before they vanished.

Yozakura: I see. *Calls Roy*

Roy: If you hear this line, please leave a message for ya boi Roy Scarlet. BEEEEEEPPPPP.

Yozakura: Roy, do you know what uniforms were Gekkō and Senkō wearing when you saw them?

Roy: Oh uh, yeah. They were wearing the Gessen girls academy uniform why?

Yozakura: What the!? Ne-nevermind... I need you too look at this. *Sends him the picture*

Roy: *Looks at it* Hmmm... Looks like Ikaruga's suspicion was on point. They were wearing the Gessen girls academy uniform after all. I'll look into this. I'll call you when I have more info. *Hangs up*


Yumi POV: *Laying in bed* Grandpa Kurokage... It's not as bright as the sun but it's the last light that illuminates the darkness. But the hand of justice my always be like the moon. That's what my grandpa said. I'll never forget those words. Not now, not ever.

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