Part 64: Rest before the Test

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Mike: Well to put it simply, she's my genderbend.

Roy: Damn, I didn't know you could look like that Mike.

Mike: You know damn well I can look like that.

Mia: Hell does that mean!?

Reed: Mike can cross-dress to look just like you.

Mia: I doubt it.

Mike: Say what you will.

Homura: Hey! This ain't over yet Mike!

Mike: I know damn well it ain't over. But for now, just sit still and recover.

Asuka: Thats a good idea. We should just relax and recover before we hurt ourselves even more.

Homura: What the hell did you just say Asuka!? He trashed us and you expect me to just take it!? Hell no-

Mike: Be quiet child. Or else I'll make you quiet.

Mia: That was a sudden mood change-

Mirai: EEP!

Mia: That was unexpected...

Minori: H-hey no need to be so violent..!

Hibari: Y-you wouldn't actually do that, right?

Mike: I wasn't talking to you three...

Hibari: B-but still!

Mike: Eh alright sure. I won't hurt anyone.

Yagyū: You better not. I'll protect Hibari even if it means losing my life.

Mike: I won't hurt anyone right now. Techno's word for it.

Reed: He wouldn't hurt anyone in the first place.

Roy: We know him to well for him to do that.

Mia: Really? He looks like he's gonna kill everyone here.

Reed: Hey may look like that, he wouldn't do it. It's not in his nature.

Mia: That's a relief.

Mike: Kay, moving on. I'm glad your all alright, you all will be back in fighting condition by the end of the day. I'll just pay the hospital bills and you can rest easy.

Haruka: My, my~ Someone's loaded on cash.

Yomi: Hey! Don't do that!

Mike: Are you trying to seduce me?

Reed: *Makes an X shape with his arms and looks at Haruka* Don't even try please.

Haruka: Why not?

Mike: I'm married with kids...

Haruka: Oh- Sorry about that. Hehe~

Hikage: You don't look the part of a dad.

Mike: Ouch. That was blunt. Have some confidence ya know.

Mirai: But to be honest... You really don't. You look more teen than anything-

Mike: Eternal youth has it wonders ya know. 

Mirai: Wait what-

Mike: Don't question it. Better not to anyway.

Reed & Roy: True.

Mike: Yo, Gessen gals, why you so silent?

Yozakura: Well, I just found it uh... Embarrassing that I lost so quickly?

Mike: That happens to everyone I fight so it's no big deal at all.

Murakumo: *Covering her face with the blanket* U-uh, W-where's my mask?

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