Part 61: Techno's Demonstration

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*2 months after*


E: Fr tho, I had no ideas for the Christmas party XD. I just had to go with the ideas I do have. I'll write a .5 part if I get anymore ideas.

*Time resume*

*In the park*

Reed: Looks like no one's here. Great place for a demonstration.

Fubuki: I don't understand how this can fulfill your promise.

Reed: You'll see soon enough what I mean.

Roy: Your plan is what now?

Katsuragi: I think you heard me pretty clearly. We're gonna challenge Mike! I wanna see first hand, how strong he really is!

Homura: That doesn't sound like a bad idea! Why not do a surprise attack to see how good he is at reaction too!

Roy POV: This plan will go badly. I can see it right now.

Hikage: *Listening* It's fine by me. As long as we get a fight.

Yumi: Are you sure? Isn't that, a bit rude?

Katsuragi: I mean, maybe, but if he's like Reed and Roy, he'd be fine with it. Atleast I hope so.

Miyabi: So what's the plan?

Roy: Your here too?

Imu: So are we!

Murasaki: Why are we here? I just got up...

Katsuragi: You see, we're planning to surprise attack Mister Mike. If he's really that powerful I wanna see it for myself!

Mirai: I don't know Katsu, that sounds like a bad idea.

Yozakura: And it's pretty offensive too. Attacking someone the second they arrive? That's pretty damaging to a relationship.

Shiki: And it's totally not cool. Like for real.

Katsuragi: But don't you want to know how strong he is???

Ikaruga: I do but not in this way!

Yagyū: It may even be dangerous Katsu.

Asuka: We can just ask him to fight.

Katsuragi: But if he's a real warrior he shouldn't be surprised by a surprise attack!

Minori: She's got a point there.

Miyabi: May I ask, who is this Mike your blabbering on about.

Roy: Alright, his full name is Mike D. Techno. He is basically the one who trained us. He taught us everything we had to know.

Miyabi: So this Mike of your is your sensei?

Roy: You can say that. He's more if a friend to be accurate.

Miyabi: Then I'd like to challenge him! If I beat him, that means I can beat you, if I beat you I can truly be the ultimate Shinobi!

Imu: Go Miyabi!

Roy: Don't get your hopes up. He may not even want a fight.

Reed: Alright everyone, step back a little bit he's coming.

Homura: Alright everyone, in positions!

Miyabi: Got it!

*The Shinobi girls vanish*

Roy: Are they really doing this!?

Reed: I can only hope this goes well.

*A rift in space opens*

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