Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown

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Roy: *Speeds to the roof* I'm right here! Come and get me!

Minori: Come on! We're coming to help you!

Gekkō: Hm...

Senkō: Hmph.

Yumi: That's enough! We can't fight at our full strength here. If we do, we may cause trouble with the other middle schoolers.

Minori: Huh!? But Yumi!

Senkō: So is that what you call justice?

Gekkō: Sounds more like a cliche to me.

Roy: *Getting agitated*

Yumi: Don't let them get to you Roy.

Shiki: Roy... Calm down... Calm down...

Roy: Thanks.

Yumi: I must admit you're both strong, but still, there is no point in having power, without virtue.

Roy: You're right in one area. But wrong in another. That's my opinion don't get mad.

Yumi: I'm not.

Senkō: That's an odd thing to say. Justice is reserved for those who have power.

Roy: So why do you have justice!?

Senkō: What's with that question?

Roy: I'll let you figure it out. *Smug face*

Gekkō: *Microsoft loading* Wait a minute... Are you saying we don't have power!?

Roy: Exactly! You're weak as hell! So why do you have justice!?

Yumi: That's not true! Are you saying that the weak don't deserve justice!?

Gekkō: That's correct.

Roy: It's the first time in ever a villain says something blatantly. And it's driving me nuts.

Yumi: I see. I guess you define the word differently than we do.

Senkō: Talk about pathetic. You were lucky enough to be one of Kurakage's students. And yet you abandoned his noble teachings.


Senkō: What are you saying?

Roy: The new generation cannot be the same as the old one. That's how history and time work. Things can't always remain the same. It never can, and never will. So if you think his old teachings matter, they don't anymore. And that's a fact.

Gekkō: He's getting on my nerves. His free nature makes him think he can do whatever he wants. Tch. Just like a person with no power.

Senkō: I'm disappointed in you Yumi. You're his own granddaughter for crying out loud. It's disgusting to see how much you've fallen.

Roy: And what if!? It's not like she has to be like him! No matter how hard a person tries, they'll always be the lesser version of the original!

Gekkō: But we'll carry on his legacy. Not you.

Roy: I don't know who this Kurokage is? Mind explaining?

Yumi: When we have the time.

*Gekkō and Senkō then vanish*

Yumi: Carry out Grandpa Kurokage's teachings..?


Roy: So, so, so sorry for what I did earlier. I had no ill intention I swear.

Yumi: It's fine Roy. I understand. I know you're just fighting for me.

Roy: Thank you. And also thanks for this opportunity. Now we have to answers. I'll see you soon.

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