Chapter 22

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Sydney wakes up from being unconscious. Her vision was still blurry and the brightness from the room didn't make it any better.

Sydney starts coughing and catching her breath in between. Once she stopped coughing she looked around some more. It looked like she was in a glass box. Suddenly she sees Cortez. He was doubled in her vision.

"I already know he's about to come in here and act crazy over you with that tight pussy you got", said Cortez.

"You sick bastard", said Sydney.

"What? A little blood doesn't hurt", said Cortez.

"You raped me", said Sydney.

"You didn't fight me off", said Cortez.

"Because I was passed out!", Sydney shouted as she began to cry. "I was—"

Sydney stopped talking because just wanted to cry instead.

"Maybe if I kill him and keep you alive, you can be by my side. How does that sound?", asked Cortez.

"I hope he comes in here and he gives you a sufferable death", said Sydney as she slowly stood up and touched the glass wall. "While you beg for mercy."

"Ooooh, I like that! You have a dark side. I'm intrigued", said Cortez.

Sydney fells to the ground again.

"Still weak huh?", asked Cortez.

Sydney's vision wasnt getting any better but she could move her arm so she knew that want ever he injected in her would wear off eventually.

"What did you do with my sister?", asked Sydney.

"Nothing. She was just bait", said Cortez. "I know you'd think that I was after your loved ones and come there. But really I was just after you...because you're Mr. Davis's loved one. By the way, how's your daughter? I tried not to kill her but you know how experimental drugs can be. They're unpredictable."

"You're a son of a bitch. Don't mention my daughter", said Sydney.

Cortez looks at his watch.

"Five more minutes", said Cortez.

"Til what?", asked Sydney.

"Until you die along with your husband", said Cortez.

Sydney closes her eyes for a moment. She was scared but at the same time she wanted to die. The way the drug made her feel, it made her wish death instead because she was so uncomfortable and in so much pain.

"He'll kill you", said Sydney.

"He'll be too distracted to kill me", he said as he pressed a button.

Sydney began to smell a rotten smell. She saw purple fumes slowly filling the chamber.

"No", she said softly before covering her mouth and nose.

"Don't worry, maybe he can help you. He's here", said Cortez.

Javonte kicked the door in and walked in. He has a gas mask on and he had his gun in his hand.

"You kill me, you can't get to her", said Cortez. "You need me alive to get to her. I'm the only one that can get her out."

"Nigga you got five seconds to let her out.", said Javonte.

"Or what Mr. Davis?", asked Cortez.

Javonte takes the mask off and looks at Sydney.

Sydney was holding her throat as she was on her knees.

Javonte looked at Cortez.

"Either way, she'll die and so will you", said Cortez.

"Let her go", said Javonte. "Please."

Cortez chuckles. "I thought you said I'll be begging him for mercy?", asked Cortez as he looks at Sydney. "He's begging me."

"Get me out of here!", she finally yelled. "I'm going to kill you myself."

"Stop talking. Cover your mouth", said Javonte. "I'm going to get you out of there."

"Who? You don't know how. It's only one way in and I know the code", said Cortez. "Give me what I want...and she gets out."

"What do you want?", asked Javonte.

"No. Kill him!", said Sydney.

"I want you to get your little friends off my tail. I want you to get rid of any files and records related to me within the system. I know you can. You're good with hacking. That's one of your specialties right? And I could also use her.", said Cortez. "It felt so good when I was in there, I think could use that again."

Javonte pulled the trigger and shot him in the head with hesitation. Javonte continued to shoot him until he ran out of bullets.

Javonte came back to reality and ran to the glass chamber.

Sydney put her hands on the glass. She was crying.

"I love you. I can't see you, but I see your figure.", said Sydney.

"I love you too. I'm going to get you out", said Javonte. "I swear to you, I will. I'll be right back."

Javonte ran outside to look for something to break the glass with. He saw a thick metal rod and picked it up. He ran back inside.

"Back up", he said.

Sydney backs away and Javonte begins to break the glass. Once the whole wall shattered. Javonte grabbed the mask he had on and put it over Sydney's mouth as he got her out of the building.

"You okay?", he asked.

"Yea. Yea I'm okay", said Sydney. "I'm okay. I'm- "

Sydney passes out.

Javonte picks her up and puts her in the car and speeds off to the nearest hospital.


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