Film the makeout

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Author's pov-
Stopping you from leaving, He Pushed jessi aside and walked closer to you. He handed you his cell phone and uttered.

Jk - I want you to film me making out......
Y/n - You..... What the hell are you saying ?... ( Shocked )

He poked his inner cheek with his tongue while getting more closer.

Jk - Are you deaf?...... I said, film me making out with jessi.

You took a step back as it was difficult to believe in his words.

Y/n - I refuse to obey such a disgustful command sir.( Scared )

He chuckled at your reaction while he warned you.

Jk - Be obedient.....Otherwise you'll know how tough I'll be..... ( Calm yet scary voice )
Y/n - I already made myself clear.... I will not- Ouch!!

Without letting you complete, he held your wrist tightly while dragging you towards the bed. He picked you like a rag doll and tossed you harshly on the mattress.

Jk - I'll give you what you want......kitten....

You struggled sitting up again while he was ordering jessi.

Jk - Here take this..... Film the makeout session. ( Giving cell phone )

Your breaths stopped listening him, your palms began sweating, nothing proceeded in your brain and you felt your knees weak.

Y/n - What?

He held your leg and pulled you under him while hovering above you. His face was an inch apart from yours, his breaths were fanning your face.

Jk - You should have done this many times. Stop Pretending to be pure.

You pushed him with all your strength while shouting.

Y/n - You! stop it! You're going to far!!
Jk - Too far? I have not even started yet. ( Pushes down )0

He pinned your hands above your head and fetched his face into your neck. Leaving wet kisses alover He sucked you endlessly leaving purple marks.
Continues sucking reached its peek and he nibbled your skin bitting it and sucking it again.

Y/n - Ahh!! Its hurts..... Please stop.....
Jk - Stop? So you can disobey me better in the future, right?
Y/n - I wouldn't disobey you if you didn't ask me to do that. Its you who forced me sir.
Jk - So ? That's my fault ? What should I do? make up for you ?
Y/n - hu-h? ( Confused )
Jk - How about making you satisfied ?

With saying the last statement, he ripped your dress, scratching your delicate skin.

Y/n - Stop it!.....Please don't go any further.... ( Struggling to free )

He chuckled again, tightening the grip on your wrist

Jk - Hush! kitten.... Don't move. If you move, You'll move in the video too...... It's so Seductive.

The fear and disgust is clearly visible on your face. Your body is trembling, while you are bitting your lower lip controlling your tears from falling.

Y/n - Let me go please.......
Jk - If you serve me well I will consider sparing you.

He slided his index finger under your bra strap and strached the strap in the air. Realising in the air, it slapped your delicate skin making you moan in pain.

Y/n - Ah!
Jk - Yeah, That's how you should sound in the video.

You were no more able to control your tears from falling out. You cried hitching and trembling from fear. But jk looks satisfied seeing you breaking down.
He again slided his index finger under your bra strap but this time he pulled it down from your shoulder. He stared at the red mark caused by slapping strip and then bit the same spot harshly making you wince in pain again.

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