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Hearing him pleading, your tears fell endlessly as your heart feels so torn after watching him in this state and you some way or the other, you blame yourself for everything.

You gradually sat on your knees and caressed his face to wipe off his tears.

Y/n - I'm sorry jungkook..... I didn't have any choice.

He held your cold hands with his hot ones and rendering eye contact, he uttered.

Jk - You think sorry can solve everything? Can you bring my 3 years back which I spend without any mom? Can your sorry take away the humiliation I went through? Can it fix my broken heart..... Will your sorry fix.....

He slowly pulled up his pants revealing his ankle which comprised of a scar and spoke stroking it.

Jk - will your sorry fix these scars?

You caressed his scar as more tears fell over and you asked disturbed.

Y/n - How did this happen?
Jk - The day when you accused me of r@ping you and the cops arrested me. I was stupid enough to think that it must be a misunderstanding and escaped to meet you but unfortunately, I was caught and when I retaliated... The situation turned horrible and resulted in making my leg break.

He realised his pants and the scar was again hidden behind the cloth but the tears never ceased falling from his eyes, making your heart yelp in pain.

Y/n - I never knew about this....
Jk - I know. I know you didn't know about this... But you knew how much I loved you... Even if you didn't have any choice, you should have at least told me. Didn't you trust me at all? Even if it cost my life, I would have made sure to take you out of your bad crisis....

You bit your lower lip as your breaths halted cuz your soul ached nonstop and you spoke.

Y/n - I wanted to tell you but I couldn't as I knew even if I tell u the truth.... what I ask will be out of your power... The secret that I hide, is just not a secret, it's a crime that I hide... An unjustifiable crime and I'm ashamed to be a part of it.

Jk chuckled as he held your face gently in his palms and spoke gazing into your eyes.

Jk - I had faith in you. I believed that you would never do anything wrong but the truth is you never trusted me.... You had no faith in me ... Nor did you ever love me instead, you just made a fool out of me.... And the truth is you hated me-

Jk could not finish off as you unexpectedly sealed his lips with your lips and kissed him gently. Grabbing his face, you deepened the kiss and after a few seconds, you Detached your lips from his, you caressed his hands that were touching your face and uttered.

Y/n - I loved you jungkook... You were the only one who was in my heart... So don't ever say that I didn't adore you....never.

Jk is nonetheless staring at your face stunned and while chuckling again he spoke.

Jk - But I hate you... I hate you for breaking my heart into millions of pieces that can never be fixed again in this lifetime.....

After letting out those words, he fainted on your shoulder and the last tear escaped from his eyes which settled on your shoulder.
End of author's Pov

Time skip

Y/n Pov-
My eyes were burning making me wide awake. Adjusting to the light & Shifting my gaze around, I widened my eyes in surprise... Room? But I was in the basement.... I don't remember coming to the room last night.... Last night? Jungkook? He was drunk and I..... I.....I-I KISSED HIM!
I quickly stepped down from the bed and groaned in pain, shifting my eyes down, I saw my right foot was bandaged.... Bandage??

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