Caught red handed

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You slowly dragged your head that was resting low to the direction where Mr Kan addressed and what you saw was jk.

Y/n - J-U-n-K-ook-k...... ( Whispered crying )

Your eyes relaxed gradually as you saw jk but you hung your head low again in humiliation
End of author's pov

Jk pov-
I'm frozen at my spot, I can't believe what my eyes are seeing in front of me. I wanna walk closer to her but my legs are rooted to the ground. There is null silence in my ear, all I can listen to is the blood pounding in my ears while my hands are shivering.

My heart keeps on thumping while my stomach is twisting as I strolled towards her with my jaws dropped and uttered.

Jk - Y/n?

My eyes are fixed on her tiny figure shivering on the dining table but my gaze was interrupted as my uncle halted me with his words.

Mr Kan - What you are seeing is not true jungkook... I didn't do anything... This girl Y/n, it's all her fault... She tried seducing me behind your back.

Listening to his words, I gazed at him as my nostrils flared, jaws clenched and hardening my eyes, I shifted my gaze back to y/n and questioned her.

Jk - What is he saying?

Hearing my question, she fastened her grip on her dress as a single tear rolled down her cheek while she continuously chewed her lower lip and replied sniffing between her words.

Y/n - He is lying..... I didn't seduce him... He- he was.....

She didn't complete her words as her body curled up in a ball as she broke into tears again.

Seeing her my eyes turned watery, I struggled to breathe and flickering my eyes, I swallowed my pain as I spoke.

Jk - And what makes you think that I'll believe you?

Her head which was hung low lifted listening to my words as she stared into my eyes with worthlessness..... And Her eyes look so tired......

Mr Kan - See, I warned you y/n... I told you to stop seducing me, it's wrong!... But you are such an SL--( thump)

My body was burning in anger as I punched him right across his face and losing his balance he banged onto the ground.

Placed his hands, and elbows he lifted his upper body from the ground as he yelled.

Mr Kan - What is wrong with you jungkook - Ahhhh?!

Hastily walking towards him, I kicked him in the core as his body crumbled like a globe and he yelped in pain.

Jk - F***!! HOW DARE YOU!? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH HER!! D*** H***! A**H***!! M*****F******!! ( Kicking and thrashing him continuously as I cursed him endlessly. )

I was continuously beating him mercilessly and he soon began to Cough blood and lose consciousness while I also ran out of breath as I shouted.

Jk - F*********!!!!!!

After cursing him, my eyes landed on the broken piece of dishes scattered on the floor but the only thing I could focus on was the knife. I panted heavily as I grabbed the knife with the decision to assassinate him at this very moment and stretched my hand in the air to stab him but then I heard her screaming.

Y/n - Nooo!

End of jk pov

Y/n pov-
I was weeping quietly, witnessing how jungkook was mercilessly hitting that demon... I did not intend to stop him until I saw his intense rage, he picked up a knife laying on the floor and was about to stab Mr Kan but my scream halted him.

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