Pink note

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Author's pov-
Jk kept on staring at your fragile figure laid crumbled down on the floor. The room was filled with your endless sobbing making jk helpless and he picked you from the floor in a bridal manner and placed you on the bed again and spoke underneath his breath.

Jk - I'm sorry....

As he whispered underneath his breath the words never touched your ears and you kept on sobbing. Listening to your sobbing his heart is stinging and he was so irritated about himself that he spoke annoyed.

Jk - Would you like me to kill them? ( loud voice )

Hearing him You widened your eyes in panic. Flickering your eyes multiple times, you said recklessly.

Y/n - No! Please Don't.

Jk kept glaring at you with a poker face which made you more Anxious and then he recited.

Jk - Only if you stop crying.....
Y/n - Why do you even care? You should be the happiest person on earth after seeing me suffer.

Jk sighed as he felt suffocated after hearing those words from you.

Jk - Yes you are right.... I am the happiest person on earth to see you suffer but for a time like this, it's getting irritatingly noisy.

He Can't even imagine how much his words are hurting you right now.
You pulled your body from the mattress and sitting straight you spoke with so much grief in your heart.

Y/n - I wish I could go back to the day I met you and just walk away....

Not letting him respond you stood from the mattress and stepped towards the door while limping.
Jk poked his inner cheek while rolling his eyes as his heart stabbed numerous times after hearing you. He came after you and when you were about to open the door, he rested his right hand on it making you stop.
You were quiet standing there without turning back to his face. Soon he positioned both of his hands on either side making you caged between him and the door.
He leaned a little closer to your ear and whispered with an intense tone.

Jk - Kitten You aren't leaving until I allow you to.

You didn't answer back while you kept on trembling standing there without conversing with him.
Looking at you for a couple of seconds, he blew air on your ear making you flinch slightly and you turned towards him. Placing your tiny fragile hands on his chest, you pushed him crying miserably and uttered.

Y/n - I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me.....

You kept on saying sorry while your body slid down. Sitting made your back touch the door and you covered your face sobbing helplessly again.
End of author's pov

Jk pov-
She is crumbling down while Crying nonstop and her condition is making me feel pathetic about myself. Should I comfort her? No! I Can't get vulnerable in front of her..... This is the same girl who turned my life upside down 3 years ago and now it's my turn to do the same to her but then why do I keep on feeling this pain after seeing her cry?...... No matter what my heart feels I will not let my heart fool my brain again.....

Is she not crying anymore? Looking at her head quietly resting on her knees I caressed her shoulder while mumbling.

Jk - Y/n?

Patting her made me realise that her body was burning hot in fever and she fainted.

Jk - Damm it!

I hastily plucked her up in my arms, placing her on the bed I draped her body with the blanket and called for jin Hyung as he is a medic.
I was nervously wandering here and there in the room but then I heard a Knock.

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