𝟭𝟮: 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶

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'Everyone you know, will die.'

All I remember is my lungs burning before I pushed myself forcefully out to the top of the ocean gasping as oxygen fought it's way back inside of me

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All I remember is my lungs burning before I pushed myself forcefully out to the top of the ocean gasping as oxygen fought it's way back inside of me. Coughs of water immediately started to splutter from my lips as I pushed my aching body towards the upside down boat grasping my hand onto it tightly.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I looked around not being able to see John B and Sarah, that was of course until I heard coughing. "Sarah? Rosie?" John B coughed out with a hoarse tone. I looked around further only to see him on the end of the boat holding on tightly. "Sarah?" He said a bit louder this time. "Rosie?" My throat was tight and sore as I called out his name. "John B?" I saw his head move fast in my direction as he released a relief sigh.

"John B?" Sarah called out this time, we all shall towards the distraught girl pushing are bodies through the water until we finally met. She was as well as gripping onto the boat alike John and I had been doing. They both met in a hug whispering sweet nothings to each other as I looked around for help. We were all alone. Or so I thought.

"John B, look." I shouted pointing to a far away large boat, they all tilted there heads as they looked into my direction of sight. "Help!" We all started screaming banging are arms against the water, Sarah picked up the melted gold Kiara had melted a week ago and began to shine it into the light. Attempting to gather there attention.

"I'm so sorry." John B whispered pushing his body into Sarah holding her tightly. I too had almost given up hope until the sound of a horn blaring in the distance. "John B, Rosie, they see us!" Sarah called out hopefully. "Here! We're over here." John B screamed waving his arms once again. A small laugh left my lips as I saw the boat move in are direction.

A while had passed before we were finally close enough to the boat. A ladder was thrown over, John B ushered Sarah and I to go on first as he helped us get on watching us with caution so we didn't slip. Sarah went up first with help of a man on the other side. Once I was able to reach I pulled my body up wincing at the aching feeling I had been putting off.

Thankfully a Rapunzel look alike man hooked his arm under mine helping pull my up, he wrapped a towel around my body then assisted me in rubbing my body with the towel shivers escaping my lips. "Hey, Larry, put some coffee on." The man who seemed to be in charge called out before telling us what could and count of happened.

"Boy, if we wouldn't have saw y'all, y'all'd have been a gone pecan. Anybody I can call, let 'em know that you're okay?" He asked as he climbed up the steep stairs John B, Sarah and I right behind him. I kept turning back to Sarah every so on cautious of we're we were. "We don't really have anybody to call." John B answered for us.

"Come on in, get warm, man. Yo, Larry, put some soup on, too!" I could kiss you Larry. "Watch your step. Come on. Get in here." We climbed inside the top of the boat were it was driven. Soft romance music played soothingly in my eyes as me and Sarah jumped on the seat sharing as John B stood in front guarding us.

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