The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar

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It was a very sunny day,the Fwagon continued to move along the trail towards Newtopia.

Sprig was playing his fiddle,Y/n was reading a book,and Anne was scrolling through her phone until she came across a picture of Toad Tower.

" Huh,I don't remember taking a picture of Toad Tower," Anne spoke up showing everyone the picture on her phone.

" Oh,that was me.Wanted a little reminder of how we messed those toads up! " Polly explained.

" Sure did "
" You know I actually been working on a song based on the battle," Sprig states.

" I in it? " Hop pop questioned.

" Maybe," Sprig said as he cleared his throat, everyone sat down and relaxed to listen to Sprig's song,Hop pop seemed most excited.

" There was a little frog who stood for
The Toads didn't like that so they tried to execute him!
But Thankfully our Anne and Y/n stepped up to take the tower!
And they saved Hop pop who!Mostly hid and coward! "

Sprig finished as Hop pop frowned at the last part,Sprig didn't seem to be finish as he continued,

" And coward,and coward,and coward,and coward,and coward,and coward- "

" Alright that's enough! " Hop pop said not liking the coward part that was repeated.

" Woo hoo! "
" Wow great song dude "
" 10 out of 10 "
" Ya that was awesome! "

" Awesome!?It was missing all the context!Like what bout the time I courageously ran for Mayor,or that time I stood up to those tax collectors? " Hop pop questioned.

" Eh boring "
" Audiences want clear stakes Hop pop,and action!

" Action! "

Hop pop sighed," feels like just yesterday people thought I was a revolutionary hero,oh,Heads up gang!Looks like we're about to stop at our first town! " Hop pop said pointing to the sign as they entered.

" My first town outside of Wartwood,I wonder what it will be like.Will the frogs be friendly,will they have a bathroom? "

" I just hope it's not a crazy town "

" Don't get too excited girls,it's just your average small town "

" How small can it but woah!Wow,oh my gosh!It's litterly a small town! "

" Ok now that's so cute! "

" Just look at the wittle buildings," Anne said as she proceeded to tare off a building roof to a Saloon.

The tiny frogs seemed shocked and surprised.

" Uh Yee haw! " Anne said as the small frogs instantly cheered.

" There you are girl," Hop pop said giving Bessie some refreshments,he suddenly heard frogs gasping.

" What's all the ruckus? " He questioned.

" P-please just listen," A small frog tried to explain to a bigger frog but was kicked away.

" I gotcha! " Anne said catching the frog just in time.

" Alright, y'all know the rules,pay me and no one gets hurt.That's right,pay up,keep it comin ," The rouge frog said taking money from everyone until he got to the last frog.

The small frog tried to explain he needed the money for his sick son but the rouge frog wasn't having it as he grabbed the father.

" I don't want your excuses,I want your money," the frog said shaking him and laughing as all the small frog's coins fell out of his pockets.

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