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Nightmare on Grimmauld Place

Just like she predicted he had gone back to his usual self. Nudging her until she almost fell out of bed, declaring that they both must have fallen asleep. She rolled her eyes at him, heading to the bathroom, Theo beat her to the bathroom quickly closing the door behind him.

"Arsehole," she hit the door, Dina barked as she heard someone walking towards her room, with a light knock she hurried to answer the door.

"Morning, Moll I just thought I'd tell you Sirius and myself aren't going to be in for a few weeks are you going to be alright on your own," she nodded, he caught a different scent coming from her a scent he wasn't familiar with, he creased his brows, looking down at her, "can I come in your room?"

"Do you really need to it's a mess in here that's all,"

"Just wanted to talk to you about your father," he said, she allowed him into her room he looked around her room, it was a mess, 'someone had been in here,'

"What about my father?" she said, grabbing his attention

"You understand that Marlene was pregnant with you, right?" she nodded "well, surrogacy is an expensive thing and not as effective as people would like it to be, they only had one chance at surrogacy,"

"I know that's why Sirius paid for it," he stayed quiet, then it clicked, "wait, no why didn't he say anything to me,"

"It was your mother's wish, they were going to tell you when you were older,"

"They've been dead for 15 years, he's had all the time in the world to speak up,"

"Don't be mad at him, he never thought he'd have to tell you," Remus said, he could see she was processing what he had told her.

"Moony, come on, we're going to be late," they heard Sirius shout from downstairs

"He doesn't know you've told me does he?" he shook his head

"He wants to tell you, I've told you so it can be easier on you both when he does,"

He walked to her door, doing one last quick scan of her room, he smiled at her as he left she hurried to her window watching as they left. Both waving goodbye at her, she waved at them, falling back on her bed, Theo left the bathroom.

"Well, that was-

"Piss off, I'm not in the mood," she said

"Ouch, don't be sour about discovering parent, I'd love to have new parents,"

"Just leave me alone, I've got to go for a walk, come on Dina," she quickly leashed her dog, "Kreacher's still here, so don't bother leaving the room,"

He heard her slam the door, he walked towards the window, watching her from the window. Storming through the streets dragging her dog along with her, he shook his head. 'I don't get what the big deal is, so Sirius is her father. Who cares?' he turned away from the window, then a voice caught his ears.

"Are you alright?" he glanced outside at the person talking to her 'that muggle boy again,'

"Yeah, just family stuff," she brushed off going into detail, "I'm taking Dina for a walk, would you like to join me,"

"Why not, I'm not working today,"

He watched as they walked towards the park, seeing her walk close to him, as they entered the park. He sighed, looking around her room, she had many books though they appeared to have never been touched, except one that looked worn out.

Plucking the book from the shelf he slumped down comfortably on her bed, propping his foot up he rested the book on his leg. As he opened the first page, he realised it was a photo able, disguised as a book, the first picture showed a blonde woman, cradling a newborn, as she leaned up kissing a dark woman, tenderly on her lips.

The picture below showed the two women, introducing the baby to a young wizard, who resembled Sirius Black. The next picture showed the women with bright smiles and tears in their eyes as they hugged him tightly, he flipped through the rest quickly, the book could have easily been a story of Mollie's life, every moment had been captured.

Theo didn't realise how long he had been staring at the photographs inside, until he heard her voice she had returned, with a much cheerier attitude laughing at some joke the muggle told. 'Whatever, I'm funnier than he is' he thought. He quickly put the book back, lounging on her bed, as she walked through she didn't say a word, until night fell.

"While Remus and Sirius aren't here, I'm going to sleep in another room, I suggest you stay here, Remus caught your scent earlier I wouldn't want him finding it anywhere else in Grimmauld Place," she picked up her pillow as she reached the door his words stopped her.

"That's all you have to say, I thought we'd come to an understanding,"

"Goodnight, Nott,"

Having fallen asleep almost immediately as her head hit the pillow, she hoped it would be the best night's sleep she had in a long while, that was until Dina began whining. She sighed, telling her to be quiet, the whining continued as she clawed at the door.

"For Merlin's sake, Dina, you've been to the toilet what do you want?" she opened the door as Dina rushed to her room, crying and jumping at the door. "He's fine, I thought you didn't like him anyway,"

As she walked towards her dog, to grab her collar, that's when she heard him, muttering in his sleep, she creaked the door open. Sweat covered his body, his voice was shaky as he muttered, 'it hurts,' his voice pained, she cautiously took steps closer to him she lightly brushed the hair from his face.

"Nott," she whispered, "Theo," she said a little louder, his eyes snapped open he gripped her neck pulling her down onto the bed, he straddled her as he draw back his fist, he paused when he recognised the person below him.

"McKinnon?" his body relaxed, he glanced down at her lips, leaning down pressing his lips firmly against hers, as he pulled away he laid beside her quickly falling back to sleep. 

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