46. weird behaviour

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George POV

Clay was showering because had been jogging in the noon after school. I was lying in bed comfortably, scrolling through twitter on my phone. My twitter was usually filled with Minecraft or memes. Sometimes I also could find tweets about me. I had cracked 10k viewers on my most recent stream. Was really proud of it. Either I did some speedruns or coded funny ideas. The people seemed to like me and that made me feel amazing.

"What are you doing?", Clay stared at me with widened eyes as he stood in the door frame.
"Uhm, Twitter?", I wrote him a question mark with my expression as I held my phone up slightly.
And when he heard my answer, he sprinted towards me in the towel wrapped around his waist, totally not being admired by me cause I found him hot as fuck, and threw himself on the bed.

He snapped my phone away from me and stood back up.
„Clay!", I exclaimed with a slight voice crack that luckily no one cared about.
"Please don't be on your phone so much, yeah?", he said after a long silence of hesitation.
"What? Clay, I'm not on my phone very often and you know that. What's wrong? What's this about?", I sat up and let my legs dangle down, looking up at my boyfriend, "It's the same as yesterday. As soon as you came back home from Rugby training, you took my phone and. Hid. It. I noticed that Clay."

I blinked at him, waiting for the explanation.
"It's just...", he looked away, searching for words, my phone tightly in his hand like he had accidentally put pictures on it I wasn't supposed to see, "The world of internet isn't that...kind."
"What?", I narrowed my eyes, pushing my head slightly forward.

"Since you start you get so...successful on twitch, you'll get a lot hate to. The bigger you are, the more hate you get. I don't want you to get-"
"Clay, I'm not receiving that much hate yet. Of course, some insults here and there, but I can deal with that. I can handle it, Clay. I've been a bullying victim for years. Calm down, I'm fine-", I tried to explain, standing up and reaching for the phone.

"No", Clay pulled it behind his back hastily, glancing at me tensed.
"What's up with you?", I frowned again, tilting my head to the side.
"I just want to tell you that there are people who're not that nice, alright. And I don't want their actions to affect you in any way."
"That's about the hate because of my twitch?", I raised an eyebrow.
"I want to protect you. And anyway, I thought you wanted to study?", he lifted his head, blinking at me innocently.

I glanced at him in disbelief.
"I never thought you'd once tell me to study", I crossed my arms, "Could you finally tell me-"
"Oh, hey, I just remembered I need to study as well!", he interrupted me abruptly.
"You? For what?", I scoffed, staying in my position.
"Physics! I- there's really this one topic....ugh, I can't get my mind around it. I really really...need to", he nodded, sighing.

"Ah. Yes", I slowly nodded back, one eyebrow raised, and totally not believing him. Maybe he did put some pictures on it-.....
"Anyway, I'll- yeah", he briefly waved around with his hands, one of which still held my phone, then turned and left the room before I could even think about my next sentence.

"Alright", I sighed to myself.


At this point, it really wasn't funny anymore. I got permanently held away from my phone by my friends and Clay. They all gave different and absolute stupid excuses for it. Clay avoided people whenever he could.

"Wanna grab pizza in the canteen? I heard they've got mozzarella ones today!"
"Nah, not hungry."

"Ready for the school concert?"
"Not going."
"Tired. Feeling sick."

I was getting worried.


"Hey, whatcha doing?", Nick approached me as I sat in the schoolyard, in a corner, leaning against the wall, my phone in my hands.
"Clay apparently has a "talk", I made the quotation mark movement with my fingers, " with his rugby team or something." Then I just shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, aren't you on their team as well?", I eventually frowned up to him.

"Haven't heard anything. But, I wanted to know what you're doing", he knelt down in front of me, leaning closer with a creepy smile.
"Checking my comments. I uploaded my first YouTube video the day before yesterday, It's getting quite some attention", I said uncertainly, showing him my screen.
"Oh, okay", Nick kept on smiling.

"Can I...do something for you? In particular?", I blinked at him confused.
"No. Just wanted to see you", he twisted his mouth into an odd shape.
"Ah. Yes, okay", I nodded, looking away in cringe feelings and continued scrolling through the comments.

He sounds so cute!

Face reveal!

You're really smart bro

I bet he's handsome as well!!!

How old dude?

Can I have your snap???? Please! You sound so adorableeeeee!

I giggled at this one.

Bro thinks he's funny haha


Where's your dad?

Minecraft's for babies

No one wants to see this stuff, delete it


I knew what Clay meant. The bigger you get, the more hate you receive. I knew that. But those people didn't know shit about me. And I didn't know them either. Those were just pathetic souls that had nothing better to do than insulting people, with comments no one fucking asked for, in their lonely life. I couldn't care less. I liked to concentrate on the comments like "I like your voice" or he's so cool" or whatever there'd be.

Or the 50k likes on the video...yeah...wait, 50k likes??? Already? This video wasn't even that amazing...well, at least in my opinion. It was literally just beating Minecraft while I had coded a mod in that would teleport me to a random spot on the map every 3 minutes. Was quite fun playing it, but I was extremely lazy in editing. Besides, I had never done that before. This video had been recorded like 4 weeks before I uploaded it, because I had to farm experience about editing and had to edit it then. I would've never guessed it'll be so successful.

"What happened?!", Nick snapped my phone away from me hastily, his eyes widened.
"Hey, I just noticed the likes on my video. Calm down", I giggled, getting my phone back.
"Oh, hu, okay", he laughed awkwardly, handing it back.
"What's wrong with you guys?", I frowned again.

"What you mean?"
"Ugh", I rolled my eyes.


~1.117 words~

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