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The air was unnervingly cold and withering– too cold for the region she lived in or it was just her that felt the coldness in her bones

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The air was unnervingly cold and withering– too cold for the region she lived in or it was just her that felt the coldness in her bones. Every time she saw Fayd outside of work hours, there was someone- anyone that lingered around him and he didn't seem bothered like he did when he was at work. There weren't many differences in their lives. Both lived with miseries but his was better, if nothing, he had friends. He had someone who he could lean on when he broke down and she had no one. The only person that stayed in her life was bibi jaan and she would break herself but would never break down before her. The older woman was too weak to hear her swear at anyone in front of her, let alone talking about heartache.

The pain and her past would never stop haunting her. She lost someone so dear– someone who didn't keep his promise and come back. He wasn't given a chance. She was served happiness in a platter, she had just started to smile again, she had just learnt the meaning of love again and she was made to taste the bitterness of death. One that she hadn't tasted. Her parents left her alone but they weren't dead, they could come back and she would have all the world's time with her to yell at them, to hate them, to tell them to never show their faces again and to tell them that she had grown into a woman they could have never raised.

But with his case, it was different. It was entirely different. He wasn't going to come back. He was so out of reach that she would have to die and walk over the thin thread to see and feel him again. She would have to bury herself under the ground to get a glimpse of him- to ask him how it felt to be living in a world where there was no sorrow, no misery, no pain, no separation and no death. He was so out of reach that not even stars could regard her to him. He was there in a world unseen to bare eyes where happiness was eternal.

Ayat fidgeted the ring on her finger restlessly as she thought about him. Her restlessness leveling up as she recalled the days she spent with him. Every moment. Every minute and every second of it. He wasn't her saviour but he managed to save the wetness of her heart, he didn't let it dry. They were only twenty two when it all happened. When their love was robbed off. Asher Alamgir was one fine man– the only heir of multiple hotel chains in Pakistan and the only son of Pakistan's next prime minister. The only man she fell in love with.

Life was unpredictable– Asher used to say every time and his death was also unpredictable. He wasn't supposed to die. That much Ayat knew of. She looked down at her dresser, raking her eyes to spot her ear stud amongst her other accessories. Her heart felt heavy from the moment her eyelids opened. The day hurt. The day was going to be so long and painful that she already waited for it to end. She would do anything to bring happiness back in her life if she was the same girl Asher loved.

"Saalgirah Mubarak ho." She took in a painful puff of air that constricted the walls of her throat as she stared at her reflection. The kind of woman she had become after his death. He was her friend. He was her lover and he was supposed to be her soulmate.

The photo that hung above the crown of her bed was proof of their friendship and love. They loved and loved until there was no love and only pain. They loved and loved until there remained nothing and no tomorrow. There was never a tomorrow for true love as they said. Her gaze then lowered to her ring finger to find the band shining around her finger. It was a promise. A promise that couldn't be fulfilled.

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