We'll Meet Again

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A Wessa Story

Hey Angels,
A little heads up this One shot is a 1940's Word War 2 AU about Will and Tessa and I have used segmants of Will's letter to Tessa in the Infernal devices and changed it up abit so it would fit with the story better, Most of the letter at the end of this one shot along with the characters belong to Cassie, I do not own any of it apart from the writing and plot, this is a story I wanted to write after watching the Notebook and Captain America and I wanted to write another Will and Tessa story in a while as I'm in a big Wessa phase at the moment so I do hope that you enjoy, it is something a little different.

Magnificant Celebrations were everywhere in the entire world, but no one could describe the party in London.
'War is over!' Prime minister Winston Churchill announced on the radio this morning 'Great Britain has won the war!'

Tessa Herondale in her nurses uniform sprinted out of the hospital with the other sisters all holding onto each other tightly, laughter ringing out of them and cheers that could be heard all throughout London. "Come on Tessa!" her friend Catarina laughed "We need to get outside Buckingham Palace! The Soldiers are coming home!" Tessa could hear her heart beating loud in her ears, The Soldier's are coming home. She knew that she must not get her hopes up but she had this feeling inside that her Will was coming home to her today.

As War broke out and Tessa watched with tears streaming down her face and felt as if her heart was breaking piece by piece watching her husband along with every other brave man who are husband's, Son's and Fathers for War putting their lives on the line and leaving their families behind to defend their country and she knew that she had to do something, even though she could not fight Tessa had to do something for her country while every man had taken the risk of walking on No Mans Land full well knowing that there was a chance that they might not return.

Tessa could remember the last time that she saw her husband, the two were only newly weds and were childhood sweethearts from the age of 16 with what supposed to be the start of their lives together had felt like the end. Tessa being stubborn the way that she was refused to say anything when she found out that her Will had to go away, that he was going to fight for his life in the War, She couldn't. How could she? Tessa remembered that she would burst into traumatized tears when she found herself alone or would look away from her husband at the dinner table each time that a tear would escape from her eyes at the sight of him, the entire expierence leading up to Will's departure was as if Tessa was living in a nightmare a nightmare which she couldn't wake up from.

"Tessa cariad..." 'Tessa Darling'.
"Look at me..." Will whispered, he placed a gentle hand onto his beloved's cheek as he stood outside in his Military Uniform, Tessa was standing by the frame of their front door feeling as if she was entriley numb, she couldn't feel anything, even the feel of the hand of her husband's against her cheek that had always felt warm sending Butterflies fluttering away in the pit of her stomach and her heart beating a million trillion beats per second. Not this time, Will's hand felt freezing cold against Tessa's skin.

"Tess, Please-" Will's voice broke.
Tessa squinted her eyes shut, This wasn't happening. This Wasn't happening! Tessa will open her eyes and she would be transported back to her wedding day that was only a month ago, that was the happiest most magical day of her entire life. Tessa opened up her eyes and blinked away her tears fericously as she laid eyes onto Will looking directly into his Bright Blue eyes that was always so full of life, the eyes that Tessa fell in love with and could look into for hours without ever getting bored, finding herself falling even more in love with her husband, if that was even possible, the eyes that she might not ever see again.

Will frowned "Oh my Darling...don't cry-" that only made Tessa burst into tears, Tessa swore to herself that she would not shed a single tear as Will leaves, he will not see her cry. It wasn't even her at the risk and she was crying as if she was the one with the possibility of dying that it was her who had to hold and fire a gun seeing everyone around her fall to their deaths with blood everywhere in sight, it wasn't her...it was Will and yet Tessa felt as if she was dying just to see him go.

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