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There once was a being, a god if you will, that watched every little thing in the universe. From a pebble getting drifted down a river to a human much like yourself. This being could do anything. Change bodies of water to packs of wolves, create an endless pool of gold out of thin air and even erase anything they wanted with just a single thought, instantaneously. But despite having so much power, the being did very little with it. All they would do was watch from the sidelines and take in all the feelings of the things they watched. All this being did was feel, study, and observe.

Suddenly one day, this being awoke in the body of a human, an old man in particular. It all happened in a snap. They were laying in a hospital bed with IVs and machines strapped to them, in what looked to be a patient's room. Surrounding them were the saddened faces of unfamiliar people, crying and seemingly grieving. The being had no idea what was going on.

Memories began flooding their head. Ones that at first, they thought weren't theirs, but soon they realized they were. These memories were from a life they don't ever remember living. But whatever this was didn't last long because soon the being's vision faded to black and they could feel themselves losing consciousness.

This feeling, the being knew it well, it was the feeling of death. They have felt this feeling in many other creatures when they had perished. Then, without even a second passing, the being awoke in another human's body. This time in the body of a young woman. They seemed to be in the middle of a crosswalk in some city. Countless hoards of people walked passed and around the being as they stood there in a daze, trying to figure out what was going on. Like before, images of someone's life and memories they don't remember having, began flashing in their head.

After a while, the people around them soon passed to the other side of the crosswalk. Not even a minute later, a large shadow turned the corner of a building and grew over the being as they stood there in a daze. The large shadow was from a semi-truck heading straight toward them, but their mind was too preoccupied with everything else to even notice. Before they even knew it, the being was plowed and killed in an instant.

This cycle of life and death continued on, and as it did the being learned more and more about their predicament.

To put it simply, they were in a 'reincarnation cycle', and the being quickly discovered that the godly powers they had before were now completely gone. As they went throughout this journey of reincarnation, the being set themselves a goal: Get out of the reincarnation cycle and become a god again.

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