Chapter 32 - A Shot In The Arm

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After gathering everyone up, as they planned, they were all split into groups of six, making three groups in total, and sent off to a different cave in search of the complex containing the Construct Core. As discussed earlier, Dandy, Bagon, and ten others were chosen to stay behind to watch the camp. Each group was given a set of spelunking equipment, some rations, and two ganges to use for travel.

The Groups

Group#1: Esther, Jaqueline, Sandy, Basit, Vedha, and Ramul.

Group#2: Eren, Teppo, Pearce, Markis, Petro, and Hawn

Group#3: Maat, Irek, Lividia, Andy, Jameson, and Isaiah

Each cave is only about an hour away from the other. Group#1 was sent to the cave furthest out from Jaquese Rock, Group#2 went to the one closest to camp and Jaquese Rock, and Group#3 was sent to investigate the one to the south.


With the second sun hanging high above in the clear sky, the ganges came to a screeching halt, kicking up a shower of sand behind their feet. In front of them stood the beginnings of one of the Jaquese Caves. Surrounded by a mound of sand and rock, with dead vegetation sprinkled around the outside, an opening formed and stared back at them with the pitch-blackness of its gaping maw. Hopping off of the ganges' back and landing to the ground with a plop, Esther, Jaqueline, and Sandy stood there for a moment, unable to help but stare down into its endless blackness for a second longer. The other three with them shortly followed suit and jumped down to the sand as well. Since they needed three others for the group to be six, Dandy had paired them along with them.

Seeing the three pace over from the back, Esther turned and gave them another once over. The one standing outmost in front was a man by the name of Basit. Shortly behind him was a woman named Vedha and to her side was another man with a scar going just past his right eye. His name was Ramul.

" According to Dandy, they are some of his finest warriors, and although we won't be able to talk to them, they will apparently be able to understand us just fine. Ramul was also apparently on one of those fabled expeditions down these caves, so he should be able to help us work our way around." Esther thought as her eyes ran up and down the three.

Coming to a stop just behind them, Basit, Vedha, and Ramul waited with stone-dead looks.

" Sheesh...! I can't see a single thing!" Sandy said to herself, although it was loud enough for the others to hear it.

" I already feel out of breath..." Jaqueline muttered.

After blowing out one final sigh, Sandy and Jaqueline swiveled around to see the three's deadpan gazes piercing through them.

" S-So, I hope none of you are claustrophobic...!" Jaqueline playfully uttered, attempting to weaken the steel wall built between them.

But even after a few moments had passed, not a single one of them had uttered a single word in response. All three of them simply kept standing there, staring back with unmoving, icy stone glares. After another few seconds of uninterrupted silence passed and a few exchanged glances between them, the three abruptly turned away and began pacing back to the ganges.

" Well, they're cheery..." Sandy uttered, watching as they walked away.

" Didn't Dandy say they could understand us...?" Jaqueline muttered under her breath.

Spotting them coming back, in their hands and on their backs was the equipment they had brought with them. A few lanterns, some rations, rope, some tools in case they get stuck, matches, and of course, a pack for each of them so they can carry it all. Coming to a stop in front of them, with a sudden thrust, they pushed a pack into each of their hands. Feeling the heavy mass plow right into her stomach, Esther barely managed to catch it. After giving them their packs, the three resumed their emotionless stare and stood there as if they were waiting for something. Esther, Jaqueline, and Sandy exchanged a few confused and dumbfounded glances for a moment before ultimately throwing their packs on and turning to face the cave's entrance once more.

Heart part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें