Chapter 4 - Familiar faces

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Everyone stood in silence for a few moments. None of the guards moved a muscle. The few who were still back at the carriages didn't move either. Esther stood still. And Jaqueline was frozen solid.

Heart let out a sigh. Just as they were about to say something, they saw someone's shadow glide past them. In that split second they saw that it was Esther. A fierce fire of determination burned in her eyes.

" Come on, guys!" She said as she took several large steps forward. " If people are in trouble, we have to help them!"

And with that, it was like the curse that had everyone locked in place was broken. The guards who were frozen stiff sprang into action and readied their swords and crossbows. With Esther leading the charge, a portion of the guards ran with her towards the village. Jaqueline joined them as well. Begrudgingly, Heart decided to follow along.

Stepping into the burning ruins of Willsbarrel, a deathly and eerie silence permeated the streets. Everyone remained highly on guard and keep their eyes moving to try to spot any potential threats. Well, everyone besides Heart that is.

"...What happened to all that screaming from before?" Esther muttered. Jaqueline quickened her pace and caught up to her.

" Hey Esther, look." She said, gesturing forward. Just ahead, in the center of the town, stood a tall church. Unlike the buildings that surrounded it, it was for the most part untouched.

As Esther began to steer the group towards the church, out of nowhere, a figure leaped out from behind one of the burning houses. It was a large and burly man, and he came out swinging a battleaxe in his hands. Quickly dodging their swing and moving past them, Esther hit the man on the back of the head with the handle of her Flathead, knocking him out.

" It looks like this place was hit by bandits!" Esther said as his burly body hit the floor with a thump. Just then, another two jumped out toward her. Deflecting one of the swings with Flathead's handle, a guard from behind leaped out and blocked the other for her with his shield. More bandits started to come out from nowhere and soon a massive fight broke out.

Everyone was caught up in a fight or two. Heart avoided fighting though. Anyone who came charging at them was easily and swiftly dodged. As another bandit came stumbling towards them, just as they were about to move out of the way, Esther jumped in and knocked the bandit out.

" Heart, it's really dangerous out here at the moment!" She paused for a moment and called Jaqueline over, who had just finished taking care of five of them. " Jaqueline, take Heart and get her into that church!"

" Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah! Wait a minute!" Heart interrupted. " I can handle myself!..."

Just then, another bandit came sprinting toward the three. In their right hand was a dagger and their left was completely empty. As they charged forward, Heart could see them reel the dagger back. They were aiming it at them. Heart leaped out and attempted to grab the bandit's hand, planning on stopping it before they hit them and seizing their dagger. But the bandit's strength was much more than their body could handle and soon they managed to break through their defense. As the knife was about to plunge into them, Esther knocked Heart to the side and pushed the bandit away with Flathead.

" Jaqueline!! Get her to the church!! Now!!!" She yelled as she defended them from two other bandits who tried to attack. Before they could even say anything back, Jaqueline grabbed Heart by their shirt and pulled them to the church.

Opening the door and pushing them inside, not even a second later, Jaqueline slammed the door shut in Heart's face. From inside, they could still very clearly hear the sounds of fighting going on outside. Heart balled their hands and bit their lip, so much so it started to bleed. They completely humiliated themselves. The amount of anger that surged through them was immense. Never before have they hated being trapped in this body, getting stuck in this reincarnation loop so much.

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