Chapter 35 - Pure Luck Attack

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Dandy's incessant laughter continued blaring across the room. Seeing Jaqueline run up to her side, she fell to her knees and began clearing away the rubble from around Esther's foot. Joining in her endeavors, in no time flat, the two were able to free her foot. Standing up from the ground, they swiftly moved their attention over to Sandy. By the time they looked over, they saw her pull her foot out from beneath the rubble in one fell swoosh. But from the sides, they could also see two of Dandy's guards running at her from ahead.

Springing up to her feet, Sandy caught the first guard by the hilt of his spear and pushed him back into the other behind him, sending them tumbling to the floor. Hearing a set of feet behind her, she spun around to see another guard appear right before her. While shouting a vicious scream, his sword swung down her way. Attempting to dodge to the side, her foot hit a stray piece from the toppled statue and she could feel herself tipping over. With his blade not even an inch from her face, he didn't let the moment slip past him and came down upon her even harder than before. Left with no other choice, she grabbed the blade with a bare hand.

" A-ahhh!" A searing pain shot throughout her hand. Blood dripped from her palm and painted the floor. Biting her tongue, Sandy used the guard's weight to help pull her back to her feet.

Grabbing him by the throat with her other hand and lifting him to the air, she could sense someone running up at her from behind. Swiveling around, she saw that it was one of the other guards from before. Grabbing and lifting them as well, she sucked in a bout of strength and slammed them both down onto the hard limestone floor. As their half-conscious groans started to fill the room, Esther and Jaqueline let out a sigh of relief, but the battle wasn't over yet.

Hearing what sounded like some indomitable beast tearing across the room, the two turned to see Bagon sprinting over at full speed. His eyes were still as a pond and his movements were precise, not for a moment did a single step go to waste. Dozing through the rubble, he didn't trip or faze once. Flying by the center statue, Bagon retrieved his spear from the side of its head. Both of their lanterns dropped to the floor. Pulling Flathead and Torque off of their backs, Esther and Jaqueline did the only thing they could do and took a defensive stance.

Before they knew it, he was already across the room. In a flash, his spear thrust forward. Barely managing to stop it, Esther stumbled back a step. With no break in between, Bagon swiftly turned his attention to Jaqueline and slashed his spear her way. Blocking the hit, Jaqueline threw Torque out and used the force to spin herself like a top. At high speed, Torque wrapped around toward Bagon's head. Defending against the hit with his spear, he grabbed Torque by the hilt. A shock more powerful than any lighting zipped through his body and nearly sent him into the light. Miraculously, however, he pushed himself away through sheer will alone and conjured enough strength to swing his spear around and whale the butt end up across her chin.

Seeing Jaqueline fly up into the air, with her eyes as white as sheets, rage flooded into Esther's heart. With fury fueling her, Esther charged forward. Slamming Flathead down, Bagon barely dodged the blow at the last second. Sparks flew out between the two as their weapons clashed. At that moment, when time felt as if it was slowed, Esther shot him a death glare and Bagon returned with the most unconcerned look in his grey, lifeless eyes. A brief moment of silence passed between them but it was over no sooner than it had started.

Flying back in the air and landing on the floor, Esther didn't let a second pass and sprang forward once more. Relentlessly, she attacked Bagon with a flurry of swings. Not a single one of her slashes could manage to break past his spear or even push him back a step. Spotting an opening, Bagon dropped his shield and dove in. First, he slashed Esther across the hand. As Flathead began to fall to the floor, he closed the distance even further and went in for the killing blow. But all of a sudden, Bagon came to an abrupt stop. Someone had grabbed him from behind. Turning his head, he saw it was Jaqueline. By the time he looked back forward, Esther had already recovered and was standing in front of him. By this point, the effects of him touching Torque had started to sink in. His mind became light, making it difficult to think and remember, his vision grew hazy, and he no longer had any feeling in his right hand, which was beating red.

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