Chapter 50 - Prepare, A Sense Of Heart, And Matching Tragedy

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Heart nearly didn't recognize him at first. The last they saw him he was just an infant and a dying one at that. Understandably, they assumed he had passed that night. As it turns out, that wasn't the case.

" You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment," Klaus uttered, his daggers and grin as sharp as can be.

By their chests, the golden heart and green sun silently spectated. Regardless of how many times his eyes hit them, not once did he even give the golden heart a glance.

" Why'd you have to wait?" Heart asked.

Leaning in his seat, his face blared like an excited child. " Because I can!"

Abruptly, he pulled himself back not a second later. He seemed to take a breath before returning.

" Oh, I see what you did there! Trying to distract me, huh? Well, it's not going to work! I know your antics! I have this all planned out and you're not going to ruin it!"

" Heh, but I guess whatever you do here will hardly compare to the long list you've already racked up." He said, letting out a snicker.

With his growing boisterous laughter starting to circle them like flies, Heart's face steeled and a glare pierced his way.

" Give me one reason to continue sitting here."

Klaus slowed his hollers. " Getting feisty already, are we? Well, continue to hold your horses. Before the show begins, first, I must tell a story."

" Since I was a child, the world has always been in the palm of my hand. I could get anything I desired, be friends with anyone, and make everyone happy. Nobody could top me. But that all changed the moment you were birthed into this world. I doubt this needs explaining, but everything's your fault."

Standing suddenly, Klaus paced to a nearby shelf. Inside stood several wooden soldiers. Picking one, he straightened the medal on its chest. While he fiddled, they happened to glance an open letter sealed with the Elengair family crest resting to the side.

" Sorry, that was annoying me."

Setting it back, he returned to his throne.

" Now, where was I?"

" For the first time, there was someone beyond my reach. Something I couldn't control. I've watched you for so long and so hard, yet the answer still eludes me. You're no one special, so why?"

" But now I'm done wondering. The answer means nothing to me anymore. For the longest time, the idea of your presence has always haunted me. I'm the strongest. I'm the god of this world. There isn't supposed to be anything that can challenge that."

" So, is that it?" Heart interrupted. " Because of your superiority complex, you went through all this effort to get me here just to prove, what, that you can beat me? Doing all this just proves you can't beat me, even if you tried."

With a sigh, Heart began to stand. Popping a vein, Klaus ground his teeth. All of a sudden, a tree outside slammed against the far window.

" Shut your trap! You have no clue what you put me through!" He shouted. " All the sleepless nights! The fear, the terror, the suffer! Half of my life was wasted because of you!"

" Hmph. Whatever you say. Look, I don't really care about what it is you do. I care no longer for this planet. Do what you want with it, just leave me out of it. I've wasted enough time as it is. I'll be taking my leave."

Unfazed, Heart turned and proceeded toward the door. As he watched them move, Klaus' hands choked his armrests, and his teeth began to crack. But as they reached the door, his scowl instantly evolved to a wayward grin. Running a hand through, he re-straightened his hair.

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