Chapter 21 - The Place I Call Home part Final: See You Later

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" Troy...w-why do you have Rick's necklace?! I thought that was one of the things the bandit stole!" Susanne questioned him, but she swiftly fell silent when her eyes landed upon his grinning face. His conniving eyes were filled with hateful malice.

Belching out a room-filling laugh, in an attempt to calm himself, he put a hand over his face. "...c-calm yourself, Troy...all of this work would've been for nothing if you don't stick to the plan..."

With a resonating laugh still echoing through the walls of his mouth, he looked up from his hand.

" Do you...want to know?" He asked with a mocking smile. " Do you REALLY want to kno-?"

Before he could finish, however, suddenly from the side, Heart blasted him straight in the nose with a fist. He flailed and stumbled to the side. Just barely, he was able to catch himself before he fell to the floor. With blood dripping from his nose, he arose with a nasty glint in his eyes.

" Wha...what do you think you're doing?!" He shouted, staring daggers at them.

" Who are you again?" Heart asked, looking back into his eyes, completely unfazed. But before he could say anything back, they stole the opportunity from him and answered themself. " That's right. A nobody."

" What are you-?! D-don't you care about why I killed your father?!" Suddenly, he stopped himself. In the back, Susanne and Bulletin looked like their hearts had stopped.

"...damn it. I wanted the reveal to be a little more amped up than this...oh well."

" Anyways...surprised? I was the one who killed your father! I was the one who killed Ri-"

" I don't care." They uttered, interrupting him.

" Huh...?" Troy muttered, his crazed expression washing off his face.

" Are you done now?" They asked. But once again, before he could answer, all of a sudden, they went into a sprint. They moved so fast, he didn't even have a chance to react. When they got close, once more, they cracked him in the nose with a punch from the side.

Getting sent back once more, he stumbled to a stop and shot them another murderous glare.

" Oh, you little bitch...! You'll pay for that one!" He muttered through his teeth, getting angrier by the second.

Pulling his knife out from its sheath, he lunged for them with a mad dash. As soon as he had taken a step, Heart threw both of their shadow hands forward. Seeing them zip toward him, he scoffed. " How stupid is this girl? Does she really think I'm going to stop for some pair of gloves?"

Picking up speed, he continued forward. As the gloves drew ever closer to him, he expected to see them inevitably fall to the floor, but regardless of how much the distance closed between them, they stayed afloat. Sensing something wrong, he tumbled over his own feet, trying to come to a stop. But before he could, he could see the gloves suddenly twist mid-air and curve around him. As one of them passed by him, it snatched his knife out from his hand and threw it all the way across the room.

" What the hell?!" He thought, bending his eyes to follow them. But from the corner of his eye, he noticed that Heart had disappeared. Swiftly, he scrambled to try to find them. Darting his eyes all across the room, just then, he heard the sound of running feet beneath him. Looking down, he saw Heart in front of him, but before he could do a thing, they shot up and headbutted him in the chin. The blow rattled his head, sending a heavy pain scourging through it, and he fell back. In the next moment, he could feel them slide a foot under his legs, quickening his descent.

Not letting the chance escape them, Heart called back their shadow hands and jumped atop Troy's stomach. Without mercy, they pulled a fist back and clobbered him in the face. With their other, they did it again, reversed, and punched him once more. Over and over,

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