Chapter 17 - Desperate Men Do Desperate Things

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The old man brought his fist down upon them. At the last second, Heart swerved out of the way. Without breaking a sweat, the old man turned and once again swung. His swings were packed full of an unnatural amount of strength and invigoration that came out of nowhere.

Dodging again, Heart watched the old man barrel forward into one of the shelves lined with his stock. After slamming into it, without even letting out a single groan or breath, he picked himself back up and started to charge at them again.

" Just what is this human's problem? He's acting less like a human being and more like a mindless animal." Heart thought as he charged at them. But right when they were expecting him to lunge at them again, the old man abruptly dashed to the side and began to go around them.

Turning and following him with their eyes, they saw him reach over and pull a knife off of one of the nearby shelves. While bringing it up into the air, the old man began to charge.

" Maybe he's not so mindless after all..." Heart thought. " Well, I was going to go easy on you, but you've forced my hand."

With the speed of a flaming horse, the old man charged and swung the knife down at them.

Dodging out of the way at the last second, Heart threw one of their shadow hands as if it was a boomerang. It flew around his head and stopped just before colliding with one of the nearby shelves. Before boomeranging back, the shadow hand grabbed a nearby pan and as it flung back, struck the old man alongside the head.

As the old man stumbled to the floor and dropped his knife on the ground, their shadow hand came back.

" Had enough yet?" Heart mocked with a slight grin. " Now..."

Suddenly, they swung the pan through the air and pointed it at him. "'re going to give me some answers."

Starting to draw closer, they asked, " So, why exactly did you attack me? And just so you know, I'm not taking silence as an answer."

Stopping just in front of him, Heart waited a few moments to give the old man a chance to answer. As they stood there, towering over him, all of a sudden, he sprang up and grabbed them by the sides. Heart attempted to shake him off, but he held on with a suffocating grip.

With a lunge, he then jumped forward and pushed Heart along with him. During the short time the two were in the air, Heart saw the old man throw something up into the air. Following the object with their eyes, they saw that it was several knives.

" He grabbed more than just one knife?!" They thought in disbelief.

As this thought entered their mind, they could feel the old man start to do something else. Inexplicably, he had begun to rotate them around in mid-air. Taking a glance back up, all of the knives were now falling back down towards them and were on their way to impaling their back.

" So that's what he's planning!" Upon realizing his plan, Heart couldn't help but crack a grin. Even if they sent out both of their shadow hands to try to catch them all before they fell on them, they knew that they wouldn't be able to get all of them in time.

It's been quite a while since they were in a situation like this, where all of the odds were seemingly against them. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for them, the old man's plan wasn't going to succeed. Heart already knew this as a fact and that was because they were a god.

As they floated there, drifting through the air as if time had been slowed, a few short cackles began to leak from their mouth. It wasn't long until an insidious cacophony of manic laughter started to spill out.

Watching it all, the old man kept one eye on the knives falling down towards them and another on Heart. From his eyes, victory was all but guaranteed. But all of a sudden, he saw the dots of Heart's eyes begin to madly spin around.

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