Chapter 41 - Taste the Wind part 10: Total Eclipse of A Heart

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Turning in her sheets, Ayesha's eyes slowly fluttered open as an aromatic scent greeted her awake. Leaning up from the floor, a yawn escaped as she lifted herself to her feet. Throwing on her duster, Ayesha paced out of Quiltz and Milimy's room and into the hall. Scratching her bush of a head, as she began heading down the steps, the sound of something sizzling filled her ears. Turning the corner, she spotted Milimy, Aim, and Sable all sitting at the table while Quiltz stood cooking something over by the stove.

" Morning!" Milimy uttered, noticing her coming down.

" Mornin' Auntie Ayesha!" Aim and Sable greeted in unison.

" You look like you slept well!" Milimy said, letting out a short giggle. " Knowing you, you probably haven't gotten any real sleep in weeks! And seeing how deep you slept, we just couldn't muster the strength to wake you!"

" What's cooking?" She asked, peering her heavy eyes over at the fire, trying to peek over Quiltz's shoulder to see.

" Breakfast! That's what!" Quiltz chimed in, turning around and letting the four gaze upon his work.

On a pan set atop the stove, an assortment of cut vegetables sizzled and cooked. Dumping a pile of sand atop the flames, killing them in an instant, he removed the pan from the stove. To his side, rows of boiled gabbe sat flat on a tray. One by one, he went over and shook a portion of the cut vegetables onto each piece. Setting the now empty pan down, he carefully grabbed one of the gabbe by the sides and began to fold. Finishing with a roll, he set it atop a plate alongside several others and presented it.

" It's gabbe wraps!" Quiltz exclaimed, sliding the plate in front of Aim and Sable.

Both of their faces lit up at the sight. " All right!" " Yes!"

Without wait, the two each grabbed one of the scorching hot rolls and wasted no time shoving it into their mouths. Despite their pained breaths and quick words of regret, a smile still showed on their faces. " Thanks, Dad!"

Taking a moment to bask in their glow, Quiltz turned back and started to prepare another plate. " I'll have some ready for you guys in just a moment."

Watching the scene for a second more, a short smile steadily crept onto Ayesha's face. " I've forgotten how nice moments like this feel."

In the next moment, a reminder of why she was here flashed in her mind and her short smile soured.

Turning, she began to pace to the door. " I'll be back in a second. Gotta go wash my face."

Walking out, she looked for the nearest well and made her way over. Reeling a bucket up, her hands dunked in and slathered a layer across her face. As she wiped herself clean, she overheard an exchange between two women leaning across from her, against the wall.

" Are you going?" The right one asked the other.

She peered an eye up at her. " To what?"

The right one nearly lost her footing. " Are you serious? You really didn't hear?!"

" I'm deaf. Of course, I didn't." The left one signed back, looking moderately annoyed. " Just tell me what's going on already."

" They're going to be some hangings today at the gallows. I think five or so. Anyways, a lot. You going?"

" Who's being hanged?" The left one asked.

" A couple of Cyendites and that guy who robbed all those homes and killed all those people in the northern part of the city." The right one answered, tossing and snuffing out her smoke in the sand.

" Oh, that guy?! Yeah, I know him! I always wanted to see him swing! And some Cyendites? When are they happening?"

The right one thought for a second. " Noon, I think. So, in an hour or so?"

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